Ports 搜索

graphics/poppler-data-0.4.7 (Score: 0.08697138)
Poppler encoding data
Poppler encoding data
graphics/sdl_ttf-2.0.8 (Score: 0.08697138)
Library to use TrueType fonts in SDL applications (Linux version)
This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. This library supports BMP, PPM, PCX, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TGA, and TIFF formats. (Linux version)
graphics/entangle-0.7.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
Digital camera tethered control and capture program
Entangle is an application which uses GTK+3 and libgphoto2 to provide a graphical interface for tethered photography with digital cameras. It includes control over camera shooting and configuration settings and "hands off" shooting directly from the controlling computer: - Trigger the shutter from the computer - Live preview of scene before shooting - Automatic download and display of photos as they are shot - Control of all camera settings from computer
graphics/pixmap-2.6 (Score: 0.08697138)
Pixmap editor based on XPM library
The pixmap program is a tool for creating or editing rectangular images made up of colored pixels, i.e., pixmaps. Pixmaps are intensively used in X to define window backgrounds, icon images, etc.
graphics/poppler-0.46.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Poppler's xpdf-workalike command line utilities
graphics/png2html-1.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
Takes a PNG image and transforms it into HTML
png2html takes a PNG image and transforms it into a Web page with the use of a text file.
graphics/png2ico-2002.12.08 (Score: 0.08697138)
Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files
Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files.
graphics/pngcheck-2.3.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Checks the integrity of PNG images
pngcheck verifies the integrity of PNG, JNG and MNG files (by checking the internal 32-bit CRCs [checksums] and decompressing the image data); it can optionally dump almost all of the chunk-level information in the image in human-readable form. For example, it can be used to print the basic statistics about an image (dimensions, bit depth, etc.); to list the color and transparency info in its palette (assuming it has one); or to extract the embedded text annotations. This is a command-line program with batch capabilities. pngsplit - break a PNG, MNG or JNG image into constituent chunks (numbered for easy reassembly) png-fix-IDAT-windowsize - fix minor zlib-header breakage caused by older libpng
graphics/pngcrush-1.8.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
Optimizer for PNG files
pngcrush reads in a PNG image, and writes it out again, with the optimum filter_type and zlib_level. It uses brute force (trying filter_type none, and libpng adaptive filtering, with compression levels 3 and 9). It does the most time-consuming method last in case it turns out to be the best. Optionally, it can remove unwanted chunks or add gAMA and sRGB chunks.
graphics/pngnq-1.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
Tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format
Pngnq is a tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format. Pngnq is an adaptation by Stuart Coyle of Greg Roelf's pnqquant using Anthony Dekker's neuquant algorithm. The neuquant algorithm uses a neural network to optimise the color map selection. This is fast and quite accurate, giving good results on many types of images.