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Results 801810 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.003 seconds)
textproc/Text-CSV-Hashify-0.07 (Score: 0.068937615)
Composition and decomposition of comma-separated values into hashes
Text::CSV::Hashify is designed for the case where you simply want to turn a CSV file into a Perl hash. In particular, it is designed for the case where (a) the CSV file's first record is a list of fields in the ancestral database table and (b) one field (column) of which functions as a primary key, i.e., each record's entry in that field is distinct from every other record's entry therein. Text::CSV::Hashify turns that kind of CSV file into one big hash of hashes. Elements of this hash are keyed on the entries in the designated primary key field and the value for each element is a hash reference of all the data in a particular database record (including the primary key field and its value).
textproc/Text-ASCIIMathML-0.81 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl extension for parsing ASCIIMathML text into MathML
Text::ASCIIMathML is a parser for ASCIIMathML text which produces MathML XML markup strings that are suitable for rendering by any MathML-compliant browser.
textproc/Text-ASCIITable-0.20 (Score: 0.068937615)
Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters
Pretty nifty if you want to output dynamic text to your console or other fixed-size-font displays, and at the same time it will display it in a nice human-readable, or "cool" way.
textproc/Text-CSV-Simple-1.00 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl module for Simpler parsing of CSV files
Parsing CSV files is nasty. It seems so simple, but it usually isn't. Thankfully Text::CSV_XS takes care of most of that nastiness for us. Like many modules which have to deal with all manner of nastiness and edge cases, however, it can be clumsy to work with in the simple case. Thus this module. We simply provide a little wrapper around Text::CSV_XS to streamline the common case scenario. (Or at least my common case scenario; feel free to write your own wrapper if this one doesn't do what you want).
textproc/Text-CSV_XS-1.18 (Score: 0.068937615)
Comma-separated values manipulation routines
Text::CSV_XS provides facilities for the composition and decomposition of comma-separated values. An instance of the Text::CSV_XS class can combine fields into a CSV string and parse a CSV string into fields. The module accepts either strings or files as input and can utilize any user-specified characters as delimiters, separators, and escapes so it is perhaps better called ASV (anything separated values) rather than just CSV.
textproc/Text-Capitalize-1.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Capitalize strings ("to WORK AS titles" becomes "To Work as Titles")
Text::Capitalize provides a few different flavors of procedures for title-like formatting for strings. For the "capitalize" function Title-like (written by Stanislaw Y. Pusep) formatting consists of ensuring that the first letter of each word is uppercase, and that the rest is lowercase. The "capitalize_title" function tries to get closer to English title capitalization rules where only the "important" words are supposed to be capitalized. There are also some customization features provided to allow the user to choose variant rules.
textproc/Text-ClearSilver- (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl extension to the ClearSilver template engine
Text::ClearSilver is a Perl binding to the ClearSilver template engine.
textproc/Text-Balanced-2.03 (Score: 0.068937615)
Extract delimited text sequences from strings
Text::Balanced - Extract delimited text sequences from strings. The various extract_... subroutines may be used to extract a delimited string (possibly after skipping a specified prefix string). The search for the string always begins at the current pos location of the string's variable (or at index zero, if no pos position is defined). -Anton
textproc/Text-Bastardize-0.08 (Score: 0.068937615)
Corruptor of innocent text
Bastardize provides an magical object into which text can be charged and then returned in various, slighty modified ways. Among others, bastardize has the following methods: rdct converts english to hyperreductionist english (ex. "english" becomes "") pig pig latin (ex. "hi there" becomes "ihay erethay") k3wlt0k a k3wlt0kizer developed originally by Fmh rot13 implements rot13 "encryption" in perl (ex. "foo bar" becomes "sbb one") rev reverses the arrangement of characters censor attempts to censor text which might be innaproriate n20e performs numerical abbreviations (ex. "numerical_abbreviation" becomes "n20e")
textproc/Text-Colorizer-0.02.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
Create colored text from text and color description
This module defined methods to produce colored html from ANSI color description. The generated code use pre tags. The generated HTML can be embeded in your pod documentation.