Ports 搜索

textproc/Plucene-1.25 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl port of the Java Lucene search engine
Plucene is a fully-featured and highly customizable search engine toolkit based on the Lucene API. It is not, in and of itself, a functional search engine - you are expected to subclass and tie all the pieces together to suit your own needs. The synopsis above gives a rough indication of how to use the engine in simple cases. See Plucene::Simple in the distribution for one example of tying it all together.
textproc/Parse-FixedLength-5.39 (Score: 0.068937615)
Parse a string containing fixed length fields into component parts
The Parse::FixedLength module facilitates the process of breaking a string into its fixed-length components. Sure, it's a glorified (and in some ways more limited) substitute for the perl functions pack and unpack, but it's the author's belief that this module helps in the maintainability of working with fixed length formats as the number of fields in a format grows.
textproc/Pod-Abstract-0.20 (Score: 0.068937615)
Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
POD::Abstract provides a means to load a POD (or POD compatible) document without direct reference to it's syntax, and perform manipulations on the abstract syntax tree. This can be used to support additional features for POD, to format output, to compile into alternative formats, etc. While Pod looks like a simple format, the specification calls for a number of special cases to be handled, and that makes any software that works on Pod as text more complex than it needs to be. In addition to this, Pod does not lend itself to a natural structured model. This makes it difficult to manipulate without damaging the validity of the document. Pod::Abstract solves these problems by loading the document into a structured tree, and providing consistent traversal, searching, manpulation and re-serialisation. Pod related utilities are easy to write using Pod::Abstract.
textproc/Pod-Autopod-1.206 (Score: 0.068937615)
Generates pod documentation by analysing perl modules
Pod::Autopod is designed to generate pod documentation of a perl class by analysing its code. The idea is to have something similar like javadoc. So it uses also comments written directly obove the method definitions. It is designed to asumes a pm file which represents a class. Of course it can not understand every kind of syntax, parameters, etc. But the plan is to improve this library in the future to understand more and more automatically.
textproc/Pod-DocBook-1.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
Convert Pod data to DocBook SGML
Pod::DocBook is a module for translating Pod-formatted documents to DocBook 4.2 SGML. It is primarily a back end for pod2docbook, but, as a Pod::Parser subclass, it can be used on its own.
textproc/SVG-2.64 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl extension for generating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documents
SVG.pm is a perl extention to generate stand-alone or inline SVG (scaleable vector graphics) images using the W3C SVG xml recommendation.
textproc/Pod-Elemental-0.103004 (Score: 0.068937615)
Treating a Pod document as a tree of elements
Pod::Elemental is a system for treating a Pod (plain old documentation) documents as trees of elements. This model may be familiar from many other document systems, especially the HTML DOM. Pod::Elemental's document object model is much less sophisticated than the HTML DOM, but still makes a lot of document transformations easy.
textproc/Pod-Eventual-0.094001 (Score: 0.068937615)
Read a POD document as a series of trivial events
POD is a pretty simple format to write, but it can be a big pain to deal with reading it and doing anything useful with it. Most existing POD parsers care about semantics, like whether a =item occurred after an =over but before a back, figuring out how to link a L<>, and other things like that. Pod::Eventual is much less ambitious and much more stupid. Fortunately, stupid is often better. (That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.) Pod::Eventual reads line-based input and produces events describing each POD paragraph or directive it finds. Once complete events are immediately passed to the handle_event method. This method should be implemented by Pod::Eventual subclasses. If it isn't, Pod::Eventual's own handle_event will be called, and will raise an exception.
textproc/Pod-HtmlEasy-1.0108 (Score: 0.068937615)
Generate personalized HTML from PODs
Pod::HtmlEasy is a perl module to generate HTML data from POD in a easy and personalized mode. By default the HTML generated is similar to the CPAN site style for module documentation.
textproc/Pod-Markdown-3.005 (Score: 0.068937615)
Module to convert POD to Markdown
This module subclasses Pod::Parser and converts POD to Markdown.