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security/Filter-CBC-0.10 (Score: 0.17018247)
Source filter for Cipher Block Chaining
Filter::CBC is a Source filter that uses Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) to encrypt your code. The tricky part is that most CBC Algorithms have binary output. The textmode bypasses this obstacle, by converting the data to less scary data.
devel/Filter-Template-1.043 (Score: 0.16716485)
Source filter for inline code templates (macros)
Filter::Template is a Perl source filter that provides simple inline source code templates. Inlined source code can be significantly faster than subroutines, especially for small-scale functions like accessors and mutators. On the other hand, they are more difficult to maintain and use. Choose your trade-offs wisely.
textproc/XML-Filter-XSLT-0.03 (Score: 0.1552204)
XSLT as a SAX Filter
A simple XSLT SAX2 filter. It uses any available XSLT processor on your system that we can use in some SAXy way.
archivers/POE-Filter-Bzip2-1.5.8 (Score: 0.15433206)
POE filter wrapped around Compress::Bzip2
POE::Filter::Bzip2 provides a POE filter for performing compression/ decompression using Compress::Bzip2. It is suitable for use with POE::Filter::Stackable.
archivers/POE-Filter-LZF-1.7.0 (Score: 0.15433206)
POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZF
POE::Filter::LZF provides a POE filter for performing compression/ decompression using Compress::LZF. It is suitable for use with POE::Filter::Stackable.
archivers/POE-Filter-LZO-1.7.0 (Score: 0.15433206)
POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZO
POE::Filter::LZO provides a POE filter for performing compression/ decompression using Compress::LZO. It is suitable for use with POE::Filter::Stackable.
archivers/POE-Filter-LZW-1.7.2 (Score: 0.15433206)
POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZW
POE::Filter::LZW provides a POE filter for performing compression/ uncompression using Compress::LZW. It is suitable for use with POE::Filter::Stackable.
archivers/POE-Filter-Zlib-2.0.2 (Score: 0.15433206)
POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib
POE::Filter::Zlib provides a POE filter for performing compression/ uncompression using Compress::Zlib. It is suitable for use with POE::Filter::Stackable.
textproc/POE-Filter-XML-1.140700 (Score: 0.15252203)
POE Filter for parsing XML
POE::Filter::XML provides POE with a completely encapsulated XML parsing strategy for POE::Wheels that will be dealing with XML streams. By default the filter will attempt to use XML::Parser as its foundation for xml parsing. Otherwise it will depend upon a pure perl SAX parser included (POE::Filter::XML::Parser).
textproc/XML-Filter-DetectWS-0.01 (Score: 0.14939865)
PerlSAX filter that detects ignorable whitespace
This a PerlSAX filter that detects which character data contains ignorable whitespace and optionally filters it.
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