Ports 搜索

sysutils/disktool-2.0 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
XView sysadmin tool for monitoring diskfull situations
`disktool' is an XView program to monitor up to 64 filesystems simultaneously and alert you when a particular filesystem is low on space. disktool is set-up to "un-iconify" when a filesystem it is monitoring has reached its' user-definable "critical threshold". A Unix command can also be initiated when this threshold is reached. The command and un-iconifying can be repeated every so many polls, configurable from the cmdline or from the Properties pop-up. The properties pop-up is obtained by selecting any gauge with the right mouse button. The middle mouse button has also been mapped to force a filesystem poll to update the displayed data. `disktool' is a good sysadmin tool for monitoring diskfull situations to avoid datafile corruption.
sysutils/htop-2.0.2 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
更好的 top(1) ──交互式的进程查看器
htop 是 top 的加强版本,一个交互式的进程查看器,它可以将进程列表显示为一个 树形结构。 对比 'htop' 和 'top': * 在‘htop’中你可以滚动纵向和横向滚动列表来查看所有的进程和完整的命令行。 * 在‘top’中你容易遇到下面的问题,当你按下任意一个未指定的键时将会有 所延迟(特别恼人的是组合键的修饰键)。 * ‘htop’启动更快(‘top’看起来要在显示内容前需要收集一会数据)。 * 在‘htop’中你不需要像在‘top’中那样输入进程号来杀死一个进程。 * 在‘htop’中你不需要像在‘top’中那样输入进程号或者优先权值来重新设定进程的 优先级(nice) * 在‘htop’中你可以一次杀死多个进程。 * ‘top’的“年纪”比较大了,因此,久经考验的。
sysutils/chyves-0.2.0 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
bhyve front-end manager
chyves is a bhyve front-end manager. chyves manages type-2 virtualized guests by utilizing hardware virtualization on a base FreeBSD 10.3+ installation. On a base install, only FreeBSD guests can run. However, with the installation of sysutils/grub2-bhyve and sysutils/bhyve-firmware from ports or pkg, most other OSes can run as a guest, including Windows. See DEPENDENCIES section in the man page for more information. chyves is targeted for beginners as well as power users. Beginners should find chyves relatively easy to use with lots of documentation and demonstrations. While power users should find utility with features such as true ZFS clones, PCI passthrough, rapid execution against many guests, disk images, and snapshot reverted states on boot/reboot to name a few of the advanced features. The name 'chyves' is the pluralized, big endian alphabetic increment of bhyve. 'chyves' is pronounced like 'chives', part of the Allium genus. The onion is also in the Allium genus.
textproc/libxdiff-0.23 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
Create file differences/patches to both binary and text files
The LibXDiff library implements basic and yet complete functionalities to create file differences/patches to both binary and text files. The library uses memory files as file abstraction to achieve both performance and portability. For binary files, LibXDiff implements (with some modification) the algorithm described in File System Support for Delta Compression by Joshua P. MacDonald, while for text files it follows directives described in An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations by Eugene W. Myers. Memory files used by the library are basically a collection of buffers that store the file content. There are two different requirements for memory files when passed to diff/patch functions. Text files for diff/patch functions require that a single line do not have to spawn across two different memory file blocks. Binary diff/patch functions require memory files to be compact. A compact memory files is a file whose content is stored inside a single block.
textproc/minised-1.15 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
Smaller, cheaper, faster sed implementation
This is a smaller, cheaper, faster SED implementation. Minix uses it. GNU used to use it, until they built their own sed around an extended (some would say over-extended) regexp package. For embedded use we searched for a tiny sed implementation especially for use with the dietlibc and found Eric S. Raymond's sed implementation quite handy. Though it suffered several bugs and was not under active maintenance anymore. After sending a bunch of fixes we agreed to continue maintaining this lovely, historic sed implementation. Along a lot fixes and cleanups, further speedups, and some missing features and POSIX conformance, we also added a test-suite to the package, so regressions are quickly and easily uncovered.
textproc/clit-1.8 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
Microsoft Lit to HTML and Open eBooks converter
This program has three modes of operation: - First, is ** EXPLOSION **, or the expanding of a .LIT file into an OEBPS compliant package. - Second, is the DOWNCONVERTING of a .LIT file down to "Sealed", or DRM1 format for reading on handheld devices. - Third, is the INSCRIBING of a .LIT file which allows you to label your ebooks. DRM5 is supported if you have a "keys.txt" file that contains the private key(s) for your passport(s) in either the CLIT program directory or the current directory. This is a tool for **YOUR OWN FAIR USE** and not for stealing other people's ebooks. Please do not use this program to distrbute illegal copies of ebooks. ... that would make Baby Jesus sad.
textproc/XML-XPathEngine-0.14 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
Re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
This module provides an XPath engine, that can be re-used by other module/classes that implement trees. In order to use the XPath engine, nodes in the user module need to mimick DOM nodes. The degree of similitude between the user tree and a DOM dictates how much of the XPath features can be used. A module implementing all of the DOM should be able to use this module very easily (you might need to add the cmp method on nodes in order to get ordered result sets). This code is a more or less direct copy of the XML::XPath module by Matt Sergeant. I only removed the XML processing part to remove the dependency on XML::Parser, applied a couple of patches, renamed a whole lot of methods to make Pod::Coverage happy, and changed the docs.
textproc/nltk-3.2.1 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
Natural language toolkit written in python
NLTK is a leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning, and an active discussion forum. Thanks to a hands-on guide introducing programming fundamentals alongside topics in computational linguistics, NLTK is suitable for linguists, engineers, students, educators, researchers, and industry users alike. NLTK is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Best of all, NLTK is a free, open source, community-driven project. NLTK has been called "a wonderful tool for teaching, and working in, computational linguistics using Python" and "an amazing library to play with natural language".
www/wml-2.0.12 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
Website META Language, webdesign toolkit for HTML generation
__ ___ __ _ \ \ / / \/ | | Website META Language \ \ /\ / / |\/| | | \ V V /| | | | |___ ``WML is the Unix toolkit for getting \_/\_/ |_| |_|_____| your webdesigner's HTML job done.'' Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Denis Barbier WML is a free and extensible Webdesigner's off-line HTML generation toolkit for Unix, distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL v2). It is written in ANSI C and Perl 5, build via a GNU Autoconf based source tree and runs out-of-the-box on all major Unix derivates. It can be used free of charge both in educational and commercial environments. WML consists of a control frontend driving up to nine backends in a sequential pass-oriented filtering scheme. Each backend provides one particular core language. For maximum power WML additionally ships with a well-suited set of include files which provide higher-level features build on top of the backends core languages. While not trivial and idiot proof WML provides most of the core features real hackers always wanted for HTML generation.
www/gaeutilities-1.4 (Score: 1.741583E-4)
Utility classes to make working with Google App Engine easier
gaeutilities is a collection of classes to aid in development on Google Appengine. The stable version includes the following classes: Session: An http session class to preserve identity across http requests. It uses both BigTable and Memcache for performance and reliability. It also includes middleware to plug in with django. Cache: A BigTable and Memcache caching class. Any object that can be pickled can be stored in cache. Event: A subscribe/fire event system that gives developers the ability to set callback functions. Flash: A cookie based messaging library. Using json, data structures can be stored as a cookie in the browser and retrieved on the next request. Useful for messages such as "Thank you for logging in."