Ports 搜索

x11/xdialog-2.3.1 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Drop in replacement for the "dialog" or "cdialog" programs
Xdialog is designed to be a drop in replacement for the "dialog" or "cdialog" programs. It converts any terminal based program into a program with an X-windows interface. The dialogs are easier to see and use while adding even more functionalities.
x11/xcoloredit-1.2 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Find colour values by graphical colour mixing
xcoloredit provides a graphical method of mixing the three primary colors available on a colour workstation. This mixing can be done using the Red, Green and Blue slider controls on the left of the window or using the Hue, Satu- ration and Value slider controls on the right.
x11/gmrun-0.9.2 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Customizable program to run programs, with tab-completion
gmrun is a very featureful GTK+-2 Run box. Its features include: * Tilde completion * Completion for separate words * Cycleable command history * Configuration file in ${PREFIX}/share/gmrun/gmrunrc, which can be copied to ~/.gmrunrc * Can spawn commands in a terminal * Intelligent URL handling
sysutils/ipdbtools-1.1.1 (Score: 2.5700944E-4)
Tools for IP based Geo-blocking and Geo-routing
Tools for generating IP based Geo-block-ing and Geo-routing tables in order to configure the system's firewall and/or routing facilities In general, routing is determined by destination IP addresses, and access control by the firewall is established by selectors that can be attrib- uted to incoming and outgoing IP packets, like physical interfaces on which the packets are going, source and target IP addresses, protocol types, port numbers, content types and content, etc. The Geo-location would be just another selector, but this information is not carried explicitly with IP packets, however, it can be obtained using an IP address as a key for looking-up the location in an IP database. Online databases do exist, but these are usually limited to single queries and in addition the look-up in an online database is by far too slow for even thinking about being utilized at the firewall level, where IP packets need to be processed in a microsecond time scale. Therefore, a locally maintained Geo-location database is indispensable in the given respect. The System's own routing and filtering tables can be configured to do these tasks if there is a source of the appropriate data. The ipdbtools(1) are designed to provide this data and to assist managing and using it.
databases/gigabase-3.91 (Score: 2.5641575E-4)
Object-Relational Database Management System
GigaBASE: Object-Relational Database Management System GigaBASE inherits most of the features of FastDB, but uses page pool instead of direct mapping of file on virtual memory. So GigaBASE is able to handle database, which size significantly exceeds size of computer physical memory. Convenient and flexible C++ interface makes development of application for GigaBASE very easy and automatic scheme evaluation simplifies maintenance and modification of the system. GigaBASE merges best features of relational (simple data structure and non-procedural query language) and object-oriented (direct object references, user defined types and methods) databases. GigaBASE is primary oriented on application requiring fast data retrieving by means of indices and direct object references, such as Web Server databases applications. SUBSQL utility can be used for database browsing and inspection, performing online backups, database recovery, importing data to and exporting data from database. GigaBASE will perform automatic recovery after system or application crash, you should not worry about it. The only thing you can have to do manually is stopping all database application if one of them is crashed leaving database blocked.
devel/wheel-0.29.0 (Score: 2.549817E-4)
Built-package format for Python
A built-package format for Python. A wheel is a ZIP-format archive with a specially formatted filename and the .whl extension. It is designed to contain all the files for a PEP 376 compatible install in a way that is very close to the on-disk format. Many packages will be properly installed with only the "Unpack" step (simply extracting the file onto sys.path), and the unpacked archive preserves enough information to "Spread" (copy data and scripts to their final locations) at any later time. The wheel project provides a bdist_wheel command for setuptools (requires setuptools >= 0.8.0). Wheel files can be installed with a newer pip from https://github.com/pypa/pip or with wheel's own command line utility.
net/ipsvd-1.0.0 (Score: 2.549817E-4)
Internet protocol service daemons
ipsvd is a set of internet protocol service daemons. It currently includes a TCP/IP service daemon, and a UDP/IP service daemon. An internet protocol service (ipsv) daemon waits for incoming connections on a local socket. On incoming connections, the ipsv daemon conditionally runs an arbitrary program with standard input reading from the socket, and standard output writing to the socket, that handles the connection. Standard error is used for logging. ipsv daemons can be told to read and follow pre-defined instructions on how to handle incoming connections. It's possible to run different programs, or to set a different environment, or to deny a connection, or to set a per host concurrency limit, depending on the client's address or hostname. Normally the ipsv daemons are run by a supervisor process, such as runsv from the runit package, or supervise from the daemontools package. ipsvd can be used to run services normally run by inetd, xinetd, or tcpserver.
sysutils/parallel-20151122 (Score: 2.549817E-4)
Shell tool for executing jobs in parallel
GNU Parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more machines. A job is typically a single command or a small script that has to be run for each of the lines in the input. The typical input is a list of files, a list of hosts, a list of users, or a list of tables. If you use xargs today you will find GNU Parallel very easy to use. If you write loops in shell, you will find GNU Parallel may be able to replace most of the loops and make them run faster by running jobs in parallel. If you use ppss or pexec you will find GNU Parallel will often make the command easier to read. GNU Parallel also makes sure output from the commands is the same output as you would get had you run the commands sequentially. This makes it possible to use output from GNU Parallel as input for other programs.
textproc/spellutils-0.7 (Score: 2.549817E-4)
Programs used to isolate some parts or texts before spell-checking
Spellutils is a suite of programs which are used to isolate some parts or texts from various types of files and hand them over to another program which may change the texts; it is typically a spell checker. Afterwards the possibly changed text parts are copied back in place in the original file. 1) The newsbody utility The program newsbody is a utility to isolate the body part of a news or email message in a separate file and then call some other program which may change the body, and eventually merge the headers with the possibly changed body. Optionally quotes and/or signature can be removed too, as well as all or selected header lines can be kept. 2) The pospell utility The program pospell is a utility to isolate the translations from a .po file, then call some other program which may change the translations (typically a spell checker), and eventually copy them back in place in the .po file.
biology/crux-1.2.0 (Score: 2.549062E-4)
Software toolkit for phylogenetic inference
Crux is a software toolkit for molecular phylogenetic inference. It is structured as a set of Python modules, which makes it possible to quickly develop Python scripts that perform unique, non-canned analyses. Features include: * Tree log-likelihoods can be computed under a variety of models, including all specializations of GTR+I+G and mixture models. Tree likelihoods can be computed in parallel via pthreads. * Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods (with Metropolis coupling) can sample among non-nested models using reversible model jumps. * Crux is capable of simulating character data under any model its likelihood engine is capable of. * The neighbor joining (NJ) and relaxed neighbor joining (RNJ) implementations are among the fastest in existence. * Pairwise distances between sequences can be computed based on percent identity, or using methods that correct for multiple hits (Jukes-Cantor, Kimura, and logDet).