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Results 471480 of 1,309 for /graphics/.(0.003 seconds)
Export images to ImgUr web service
Export images to an Ipod device
graphics/interGif-6.15 (Score: 0.08697138)
Efficient animated GIF optimiser
INTERGIF 6.15 is a program for joining GIFs together (for animation), or splitting animations apart, or for optimising animations created by other programs. * Supports the animation, transparency and interleaving features of GIF89a. * Eliminates unused palette entries. * Minimises the final size of the GIF with a devious and cunning optimisation routine: almost every animated GIF the author has found on the web ends up smaller when run through InterGif. * Can forcibly reduce a GIF's palette to the standard Acorn 256-colour palette, or to a 216-entry "web safe" colour cube (as used on the Macintosh and by most Windows browsers),or to a palette file you supply. Alternatively, it can calculate the best palette for displaying the GIF, and then reduce to that. * From version 6.03, this also works with 16bpp and 24bpp input images -- and with GIFs which use more than 256 colours in total. (GIFs can only use 256 colours per frame, but each frame can have its own palette.) * Lets you trim away any wholly transparent rows or columns from the edges of your GIF (whether single-frame or animated). * Can dither 16bpp or 24bpp input files to whatever palette is required (error diffusion implementation kindly donated by Martin Wurthner).
Export images to Mediawiki based web service
Remove red eyes on image automatically
graphics/kipi-plugin-shwup-4.14.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Export images to Shwup web service
graphics/jave6-0.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
Java ASCII-Art-Generator
The Jave project is a Java based ASCII-Art-graphic editor. It allows drawing new images as well as converting JPG-Images to ASCII-Art.
graphics/jbigkit-2.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
Lossless compression for bi-level images such as scanned pages, faxes
JBIG-KIT implements a highly effective data compression algorithm for bi-level high-resolution images such as fax pages or scanned documents. This is a portable library of compression and decompression functions with a documented interface that can be included into your image or document processing software. Also provided are ready-to-use compression and decompression programs with a simple command line interface (similar to the converters found in Jef Poskanzer's PBM conversion package). JBIG-KIT implements the specification International Standard ISO/IEC 11544:1993 and ITU-T Recommendation T.82(1993), "Information technology - Coded representation of picture and audio information - progressive bi-level image compression", <http://www.itu.ch/itudoc/itu-t/rec/t/t82_23822.html>, which is commonly referred to as the "JBIG standard". JBIG (Joint Bi-level Image experts Group) is the committee which developed this international standard for the lossless compression of images using arithmetic coding. Like the well-known compression algorithms JPEG and MPEG, also JBIG has been developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (see also <http://www.iso.ch/> and <http://www.itu.ch/>).
Export images as Video Slide Show
graphics/jgraph-8.3 (Score: 0.08697138)
Generates postscript graphs
This is a port of jgraph, a powerful program for generating graphs in postscript format. The Winter 1993 Usenix Technical Conference proceedings contains a paper describing jgraph. Also, see the jgraph homepage for more details.