Ports Search

Results 2,6212,630 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.007 seconds)
lang/ats-0.2.9 (Score: 8.1227766E-4)
Language with a type system rooted in the Applied Type System
ATS is a statically typed programming language that unifies implementation with formal specification. It is equipped with a highly expressive type system rooted in the framework Applied Type System, which gives the language its name. In particular, both dependent types and linear types are available in ATS.
mail/exilog-0.5 (Score: 8.1227766E-4)
Tool to centralize and visualize Exim logs with a web front end
Exilog is a tool to centralize and visualize Exim logs across multiple Exim servers with a web front end. It is used in addition to Exim's standard or syslog logging. It does not require changing Exim or its logging style.
multimedia/assimp-3.3.1 (Score: 8.1227766E-4)
Library to import various 3D model formats in a uniform manner
Open Asset Import Library (short name: Assimp) is a portable Open Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner. The most recent version also knows how to export 3d files and is therefore suitable as general-purpose 3D model converter. See the feature list.
net-mgmt/nagios-check_hdd_health-1.1 (Score: 8.1227766E-4)
Nagios plug-in to check HDD health from S.M.A.R.T
Check_hdd_health is a Nagios plug-in written in shell to check HDD health. This script check HDD from this S.M.A.R.T values: - Spin Retry Count - Reallocated Sector Ct - Reallocated Event Count - Current Pending Sector - Offline Uncorrectable - Total health test
net-mgmt/sendip-2.5 (Score: 8.1227766E-4)
SendIP is a commandline tool to allow sending arbitrary IP packets
SendIP has a large number of command line options to specify the content of every header of a RIP, TCP, UDP, ICMP or raw IPv4 and IPv6 packet. It also allows any data to be added to the packet. Checksums can be calculated automatically, but if you wish to send out wrong checksums, that is supported too.
sysutils/zfs-snapshot-clean-0.2.0 (Score: 8.1227766E-4)
Tool to sieve ZFS snapshots as per given spec a la 'pdumpfs-clean'
zfs-snapshot-clean ------------------ This is a tool to sieve ZFS snapshots as per given spec a la `pdumpfs-clean'. Typical usage is as follows: for vol in zpool/home zpool/var; do zfs snapshot "$vol@$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" && zfs-snapshot-clean "$vol" done Run `zfs-snapshot-clean -h' for details.
textproc/XML-Reader-0.65 (Score: 8.1227766E-4)
Reading XML and providing path information based on a pull-parser
XML::Reader provides a simple and easy to use interface for sequentially parsing XML files (so called "pull-mode" parsing) and at the same time keeps track of the complete XML-path. It was developped as a wrapper on top of XML::Parser.
www/webreport-1.5 (Score: 8.1227766E-4)
WebReport is a web log statistics program for web hosting sites
WebReport is a web log statistics reporting program especially designed for virtual web hosting sites. It is also very useful for single hosting sites. The main difference between WebReport and other statistics programs is a configuration file which allows for easy manipulation of the features.
www/flashblock-1.5.20 (Score: 8.1227766E-4)
Replaces Flash objects with a button you can click to view them
Flashblock is an extension for the Mozilla, Firefox, and Netscape browsers that takes a pessimistic approach to dealing with Macromedia Flash content on a webpage and blocks ALL Flash content from loading. It then leaves placeholders on the webpage that allow you to click to download and then view the Flash content.
audio/gkrellmss-2.7 (Score: 8.1141404E-4)
GKrellM plugin with a VU meter showing left/right channel audio
GKrellMSS displays a VU meter showing left and right channel audio levels and also has a chart that shows combined left and right audio channels as an oscilloscope trace. There are two buttons to the left of the VU Meter which select an oscope horizontal sweep speed ranging from 100 microseconds (usec) per division to 50 milliseconds (msec) per division. There are 5 horizontal divisions, so a trace sweep time can range from 500 usec (1/2000 sec) to 250 msec (1/4 sec). The oscope trace is triggered by a positive zero crossing of audio signal to give nice stable displays. There is also a sensitivity level adjustment for the VU Meter and oscope chart. Use the mouse wheel to adjust, or left click and drag sensitivity krell.