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comms/gammu-1.37.3 (Score: 0.004410684)
GNU All Mobile Management Utilities
Gammu is the name of the project as well as name of command line utility, which you can use to control mobile phone. It is written in C and built on top of libGammu. Gammu command line utility provides access to wide range of phone features, however support level differs from phone to phone and you might want to check Gammu Phone Database for user experiences with various phones. Generally following features are supported: * Call listing, initiating and handling; * SMS retrieval, backup and sending; * MMS retrieval; * Phonebook listing, export and import (also from standard formats such as vCard); * Calendar and tasks listing, export and import (also from standard formats such as vCalendar or iCalendar); * Retrieval of phone and network information; * Access to phone file system (note that some phones work also as USB storage devices and those are not accessible through Gammu).
devel/Safe-Isa-1.000005 (Score: 0.004410684)
Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects
Since Perl allows us to provide a subroutine reference or a method name to the -> operator when used as a method call, and a subroutine doesn't require the invocant to actually be an object, we can create safe versions of isa, can and friends by using a subroutine reference that only tries to call the method if it's used on an object. e.g. my $isa_Foo = $maybe_an_object->$_call_if_object(isa => 'Foo'); Note that we don't handle trying class names, because many things are valid class names that you might not want to treat as one (like say "Matt") - the is_module_name function from Module::Runtime is a good way to check for something you might be able to call methods on if you want to do that.
devel/Storable-2.45 (Score: 0.004410684)
Persistency for perl data structures
The Storable package brings you persistency for your perl data structures containing SCALAR, ARRAY, HASH or REF objects, i.e. anything that can be conveniently stored to disk and retrieved at a later time. It can be used in the regular procedural way by calling store with a reference to the object to store, and providing a file name. The routine returns undef for I/O problems or other internal error, a true value otherwise. Serious errors are propagated as a die exception. To retrieve data stored to disk, you use retrieve with a file name, and the objects stored into that file are recreated into memory for you, and a reference to the root object is returned. In case an I/O error occurred while reading, undef is returned instead. Other serious errors are propagated via die.
devel/iniparse-0.4 (Score: 0.004410684)
Better INI parser for Python
iniparse is a INI parser for Python which is: - Compatiable with ConfigParser: Backward compatible implementations of ConfigParser, RawConfigParser, and SafeConfigParser are included that are API-compatible with the Python standard library. They pass all the unit tests in Python-2.4.4. - Preserves structure of INI files: Order of sections & options, indentation, comments, and blank lines are preserved as far as possible when data is updated. - More convenient: Values can be accessed using dotted notation (cfg.user.name), or using container syntax (cfg['user']['name']). It is very useful for config files that are updated both by users and by programs, since it is very disorienting for a user to have her config file completely rearranged whenever a program changes it. iniparse also allows making the order of entries in a config file significant, which is desirable in applications like image galleries.
dns/public_suffix_service-0.9.1 (Score: 0.004410684)
Parse and decompose domain names into TLD, domain, and subdomains
Public Suffix Service is a Ruby domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List. The Public Suffix Service is a cross-vendor initiative to provide an accurate list of domain name suffixes. The Public Suffix Service is an initiative of the Mozilla Project, but is maintained as a community resource. It is available for use in any software, but was originally created to meet the needs of browser manufacturers. A "public suffix" is one under which Internet users can directly register names. Some examples of public suffixes are ".com", ".co.uk" and "pvt.k12.wy.us". The Public Suffix List is a list of all known public suffixes. GitHub repository is at https://github.com/weppos/publicsuffix-ruby
dns/unbound-1.5.9 (Score: 0.004410684)
Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
Unbound is designed as a set of modular components, so that also DNSSEC (secure DNS) validation and stub-resolvers (that do not run as a server, but are linked into an application) are easily possible. Goals: * A validating recursive DNS resolver. * Code diversity in the DNS resolver monoculture. * Drop-in replacement for BIND apart from config. * DNSSEC support. * Fully RFC compliant. * High performance, even with validation enabled. * Used as: stub resolver, full caching name server, resolver library. * Elegant design of validator, resolver, cache modules. o provide the ability to pick and choose modules. * Robust. * In C, open source: The BSD license. * Smallest as possible component that does the job. * Stub-zones can be configured (local data or AS112 zones). Non-goals: * An authoritative name server. * Too many Features.
dns/yadifa-2.2.1 (Score: 0.004410684)
Authoritative nameserver with DNSSEC capabilities
YADIFA is a lightweight authoritative Name Server with DNSSEC capabilities. Developed by the passionate people behind the .eu top-level domain, YADIFA has been built from scratch to face today?s DNS challenges, with no compromise on security, speed and stability, to offer a better and safer Internet experience. YADIFA has a simple configuration syntax and can handle more queries per second while maintaining one of the lowest memory footprints in the industry. YADIFA also has one of the fastest zone file load times ever recorded on a name server. YADIFA was developed on FreeBSD and a GNU/Linux. It works on OSX and will be soon ported to other Unix flavours like OpenBSD and Solaris. A Microsoft Windows version is also on the cards.
mail/antivirus-3.30 (Score: 0.004410684)
Sendmail milter wich uses McAfee Virus Scan or clamav
Sendmail milter wich uses Mcafee Virus Scan The milter recives messages from sendmail, and saves them as a file in a directory. The directory name and the file name are the "$i" (queue identifier) from Sendmail, making it easier to identify them. Once the entire message has been received, the milter runs "ripmime" on the file to extract any attachments. If rupmime returns without an error then it will run "uvscan" on the diretory to scan all the files in it. If uvscan returns an error, then the milter will look for viruses output from uvscan, and reject the message reporting which viruses were found. If viruses were found then the entire directory is moved to quarantine, otherwise it is deleted. The milter also does extention checks. Certain extentions are blocked completely. In specific, extenions of .scr, .vbs, .pif, and .com are blocked. Author gave permission to distribute it with BSD-License (2004-01-05). LICENSE: BSD
mail/mimedefang-2.78 (Score: 0.004410684)
Milter based anti-spam and anti-virus filtering program
MIMEDefang is a program for inspecting and modifying e-mail messages as they pass through your mail relay. MIMEDefang is written in Perl, and its filter actions are expressed in Perl, so it's highly flexible. Here are some things that you can do very easily with MIMEDefang: Delete or alter attachments based on file name, contents, results of a virus scan, attachment size, etc. Replace large attachments with links to a centrally-stored copy to ease the burden on POP3 users with slow modem links. Add boilerplate text to e-mail messages. Customize filter rules based on domain, user-name, relay machine, etc. Reject unacceptable messages, where you define what "unacceptable" means. Add or delete recipients for a message.
misc/kcd-7.15.0 (Score: 0.004410684)
Change directory in full-screen visual mode
kcd allows user to change directory by using various methods: - By using cursor keys to navigate through the directory tree screen - By searching in directory tree screen - By typing part of the directory name directly at the command line. Other features include: - Can be configured to filter out to some subdirectories, useful for cdrom and msdos partition mounting points - Can be configured to scan directory tree starting from some specified directory inwards, for example, home directory. - If the number directories that matches to the name given in the command line exceeds a specified number, kcd displays the whole list. - Faster directory rescan if old data file exists. Only directories with newer modified/changed time are scanned. - Sorted directory tree listing.