Function::Parameters extends Perl with keywords that let you define functions
with parameter lists. It uses Perl's keyword plugin API, so it works reliably
and doesn't require a source filter.
A very clean graphic library which can handle gif, pcx, targa,
rgb, tiff, pix, ppm, pgm, pbm, raw, rayshade's heightfield, jpeg
and do the following function: resampling, blur, sharpening, cut,
paste, median filter, histogram equalization and so on...
This is a "meta-port" to install the extensions for PHP 5.5.
Defaults to:
ctype, dom, filter, hash, iconv, json, pdo, pdo_sqlite, phar, posix,
session, simplexml, sqlite3, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader and xmlwriter.
This is a "meta-port" to install the extensions for PHP 5.5.
Defaults to:
ctype, dom, filter, hash, iconv, json, pdo, pdo_sqlite, phar, posix,
session, simplexml, sqlite3, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader and xmlwriter.
This is a "meta-port" to install the extensions for PHP 5.5.
Defaults to:
ctype, dom, filter, hash, iconv, json, pdo, pdo_sqlite, phar, posix,
session, simplexml, sqlite3, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader and xmlwriter.
'nohtml' is a filter which strips HTML attachments from email
messages. It is primarily intended to be used with remailers like
mailing lists to suppress HTML from ever hitting those lists.
Filter scripts used by the printer spoolers to convert the incoming
PostScript data into the printer's native format using a
printer/driver specific, but spooler-independent PPD file.
A Ruby client for the Akismet spam detection API
A collection of template filters that implement common markup languages.
provides template filters that implement the following markup
* ``textile`` -- implements `Textile`_ -- requires `PyTextile`_
* ``markdown`` -- implements `Markdown`_ -- requires `Python-markdown`_
* ``commonmark`` -- implements `CommonMark`_ -- requires `CommonMark-py`_
* ``reStructuredText`` -- implements `reST (reStructuredText)`_
-- requires `docutils`_
In each case, the filter expects formatted markup as a string and
returns a string representing the marked-up text. For example, the
``textile`` filter converts text that is marked-up in Textile format
to HTML.
Postfix configuration summary and reporting tool by Simon J. Mudd
Useful for seeking assistance on the postfix-user mailing list.