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Results 431440 of 1,385 for /security/.(0.003 seconds)
security/libyubikey-1.13 (Score: 0.08339406)
Library for decrypting and parsing YubiKey One-Time Passwords
Library for decrypting and parsing YubiKey One-Time Passwords (OTP), written in C.
security/obfsclient-0.0.2 (Score: 0.08339406)
Tor-managed pluggable transport client
obfsclient is a C++11 Tor-managed pluggable transport client implementation of the following protocols: obfs2 - The Twobfuscator obfs3 - The Threebfuscator ScrambleSuit - Experimental
security/libzrtpcppcore-4.6.3 (Score: 0.08339406)
GNU ZRTP library
This package provides the core ZRTP (RFC 6189) support library from the GNU ZRTP C++ project.
Compiled binaries for Metasploit's next-gen Meterpreter
This gem contains the compiled binaries required to make Mettle function, and eventually their stages and stagers.
security/openvas-omp-0.0.4 (Score: 0.08339406)
Communicate with OpenVAS manager through OMP
This Ruby gem is used for communication with OpenVAS manager over OMP. You can start, stop, pause and resume scan. Watch progress and status of scan, download report, etc.
security/libsectok-20030619 (Score: 0.08339406)
ISO 7816 Smartcard API Library
This is the libsectok library from citi.umich.edu. Originally targeted for OpenBSD. This is a quick port of the library itself; it contains an API for working with ISO 7816 Smart Card devices.
security/origami-2.0.0 (Score: 0.08339406)
Ruby framework to parse analyze and forge PDF documents
Origami is NOT a PDF rendering library. It aims at providing a scripting tool to generate and analyze malicious PDF files. As well, it can be used to create on-the-fly customized PDFs, or to inject (evil) code into already existing documents. - Create PDF documents from scratch. - Parse existing documents, modify them and recompile them. - Explore documents at the object level, going deep into the document structure, uncompressing PDF object streams and desobfuscating names and strings. - High-level operations, such as encryption/decryption, signature, file attachments... - A GTK interface to quickly browse into the document contents.
security/recog-2.0.22 (Score: 0.08339406)
Framework for fingerprinting products
Recog is a framework for identifying products, services, operating systems, and hardware by matching fingerprints against data returned from various network probes. Recog makes it simply to extract useful information from web server banners, snmp system description fields, and a whole lot more.
security/rex-arch-0.1.1 (Score: 0.08339406)
Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library with architecture specific information
This Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library contains architecture specific information such as registers, opcodes, and stack manipulation routines.
security/rex-mime-0.1.1 (Score: 0.08339406)
Ruby Exploitation(Rex) methods for creating and parsing MIME messages
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) methods for creating and/or parsing MIME messages.