Ports 搜索

devel/blinker-1.4 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling. Blinker provides a fast dispatching system that allows any number of interested parties to subscribe to events, or "signals". Features: - A global registry of named signals - Anonymous signals - Custom name registries - Permanently or temporarily connected receivers - Automatically disconnected receivers via weak referencing - Sending arbitrary data payloads - Collecting return values from signal receivers
devel/spark-0.6.1 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Scanning, Parsing, and Rewriting Kit
SPARK stands for the Scanning, Parsing, and Rewriting Kit. It formerly had no name, and was referred to as the "little language framework." The first version (circa 1998) was described in the paper Compiling Little Languages in Python at the 7th International Python Conference.
devel/tzlocal-1.2.2 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Returns the tzinfo object for the local timezone
This Python module returns a tzinfo object with the local timezone information under Unix and Win-32. It requires pytz, and returns pytz tzinfo objects. This module attempts to fix a glaring hole in pytz, that there is no way to get the local timezone information, unless you know the zoneinfo name, and under several Linux distros that's hard or impossible to figure out.
devel/qjson-0.8.1 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Library to manage JSON objects with Qt
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It can represent integers, real numbers, strings, an ordered sequence of values, and a collection of name/value pairs. QJson is a Qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects and vice versa. JSON arrays will be mapped to QVariantList instances, while JSON objects will be mapped to QVariantMap.
devel/tclreadline-2.1.0 (Score: 0.0049901195)
GNU readline for TCL
The tclreadline package makes the gnu readline available to the scripting language tcl. The primary purpose of the package is to facilitate the interactive script development by the means of word and file name completion as well as history expansion (well known from shells like bash).
dns/dnscheckengine-1.1 (Score: 0.0049901195)
DNS checker from the folks that run the .SE top level domain
DNSCheck is a program that is designed to help people check, measure and hopefully also understand the workings of the Domain Name System. When used to check an domain (aka zone) is submitted to DNSCheck, it will investigate the general health by performing various tests and sanity checks.
dns/dnstracer-1.9 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Trace a chain of DNS servers to the source
WHAT IS DNSTRACER? dnstracer determines where a given Domain Name Server (DNS) gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers back to the servers which know the data. Its behaviour is similar to ntptrace(8), which does it for the NTP protocol.
dns/doc-2.2.3 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Diagnose unhealthy DNS domains
Doc is an automated tool for verifying (to an extent) that a domain is configured and functioning correctly. It makes no attempt to validate the data inside a domain, only the structure. The only required parameter is the valid domain name of an existing domain. Example: doc isi.edu.
dns/mydns-ng- (Score: 0.0049901195)
Next Generation DNS Server for sql based DNS services
MyDNS - SQL-based DNS server This is the MyDNS package. MyDNS is a simple, non-recursive Internet name daemon which serves records directly from an SQL database. It currently works with either MySQL or PostgreSQL. This version of the MyDNS package is a development of the original one produced by Don Moore. - 12-May-2004 Don Moore <bboy@bboy.net> - 23-January-2009 Howard Wilkinsin <howard@cohtech.com>
dns/nsping-0.8 (Score: 0.0049901195)
DNS "ping"
from nsping.8: Nsping uses DNS queries to monitor reachability and operation of name- servers, as well as the latency of DNS queries. It does this by sending random recursive DNS queries to the nameserver (avoiding the effects of DNS caching) and measuring the amount of time between the sending of the query and the receipt of the response packet.