Ports 搜索

devel/libe-0.7.0 (Score: 0.08004094)
High-performance datastructures and utilities for C++
This is a library provide easier to write robust applications.
www/libecap-1.0.1 (Score: 0.08002359)
Library for module based network content analysis
eCAP is a software interface that allows a network application, such as an HTTP proxy or an ICAP server, to outsource content analysis and adaptation to a loadable module.
devel/nenv-0.3.0 (Score: 0.079911426)
Convenient wrapper for ENV
Using ENV in Ruby is like using raw SQL statements - it feels wrong, because it is. If you agree, this gem is for you. The benefits over using ENV directly: - much friendlier stubbing in tests - you no longer have to care whether false is "0" or "false" or whatever - NO MORE ALL CAPS EVERYWHERE! - keys become methods - namespaces which can be passed around as objects - you can subclass! - you can marshal/unmarshal your own types automatically! - strict mode saves you from doing validation yourself - and there's more to come... - it's designed to be as lightweight and as fast as possible compared to ENV - designed to be both hackable and convenient
deskutils/fbreader-0.99.6 (Score: 0.079431176)
Powerful e-book reader
FBReader is a book reader. Main features: * Supported formats: fb2, HTML, CHM, plucker, Palmdoc, zTxt, TCR, RTF, OEB, OpenReader, mobipocket, plain text. * Direct reading from tar, zip, gzip and bzip2 archives. * Supported encodings: utf-8, us-ascii, windows-1251, windows-1252, koi8-r, ibm866, iso-8859-*, Big5, GBK. * Automatically generated contents table. * Embedded images support. * Footnotes/hyperlinks support. * Position indicator. * Keeps the last open book and the last read positions for all opened books between runs. * List of last opened books. * Automatic hyphenations. Liang's algorithm is used. Patterns for Czech, English, Esperanto, French, German and Russian are included in the current version. * Text search. * Full-screen mode. * Screen rotation by 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
devel/B-Deobfuscate-0.20 (Score: 0.076326005)
Extension to B::Deparse for use in de-obfuscating source code
B::Deobfuscate is a backend module for the Perl compiler that generates perl source code, based on the internal compiled structure that perl itself creates after parsing a program. It adds symbol renaming functions to the B::Deparse module. An obfuscated program is already parsed and interpreted correctly by the B::Deparse program. Unfortunately, if the obfuscation involved variable renaming then the resulting program also has obfuscated symbols.
devel/columnize-0.3.9 (Score: 0.075160325)
Format a simple (i.e. not nested) list into aligned columns
Format a simple (i.e. not nested) list into aligned columns.
security/CACertOrg-CA-20110724.004 (Score: 0.07460498)
CACert.org CA root certificate in PEM format
CACertOrg::CA provides a copy of Certificate Authority certificate for CACert.org. This is the Class 1 PKI Key. sha1 13:5C:EC:36:F4:9C:B8:E9:3B:1A:B2:70:CD:80:88:46:76:CE:8F:33 md5 A6:1B:37:5E:39:0D:9C:36:54:EE:BD:20:31:46:1F:6B
www/oscommerce-2.3.4 (Score: 0.073331505)
Full-featured open source e-commerce system
This is a port of osCommerce which is a PHP-based e-commerce system. It includes support for credit card payment gateways, gateways for major shipping companies to gather rates, customer tracking, shopping carts, and many other features.
finance/prestashop- (Score: 0.073197395)
Open-Source e-Commerce Software for Web 2.0
Conceived in PHP and MySQL, PrestaShop is a really modular and customizable solution, as well as technically than graphically. Find on the PrestaShop official marketplace, addons.prestashop.com, an unlimited quantity of extensions or templates for our e-commerce solution.
lang/mmix-20160804 (Score: 0.07306018)
RISC computer designed by Donald E. Knuth
From Donald E. Knuth's MMIX page: MMIX is a RISC computer designed by the author to illustrate machine-level aspects of programming. In the next editions of his books The Art of Computer Programming, MMIX will replace the 1960s-style machine MIX. More details can be found in his book: MMIXware: A RISC Computer for the Third Millennium, by Donald E. Knuth (Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1999), viii+550pp. ISBN 3-540-66938-8. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 1750.)