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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第231240项(搜索用时0.007秒)
www/twms-0.02w (Score: 0.043282337)
Tiny WMS server
tWMS is a tiny WMS server written in Python and using tiles as a backend storage
audio/firefly-1696 (Score: 0.043186836)
Open-source media server for the Roku SoundBridge and iTunes
iTunes-compatible DAAP Server Firefly Media Server (formerly mt-daapd) is an open-source audio media server (or daemon) for the Roku SoundBridge and iTunes. It serves media files using Roku Server Protocol (RSP) and Digital Audio Access Protocol (DAAP). It supports server-side transcoding and other advanced features.
news/multisuck-1.0.4 (Score: 0.043106925)
Multi-server/conn news suck
A multi-server, multi-connections-per-server Usenet news sucking mechanism. Feeds articles to a local news server. Powerful filtering capability. Runs continuously as a quasi-daemon.
www/wwwoffle-2.9i (Score: 0.042903066)
Caching proxy server for HTTP and FTP designed for dial-up hosts
The wwwoffled program is a simple proxy server with special features for use with dial-up internet links. This means that it is possible to browse web pages and read them without having to remain connected. * Can be configured to use dial-on-demand for pages that are not cached. * Selection of pages to download next time online + Using normal browser to follow links. + Command line interface to select pages for downloading. * Control which pages can be requested when offline. * Provides non-cached access to intranet servers.
databases/kyototycoon-0.9.56 (Score: 0.042767506)
Handy cache/storage server
Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration mechanism, which is useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various applications. Kyoto Tycoon is also a package of network interface to the DBM called Kyoto Cabinet. Though the DBM has high performance and high concurrency, you might bother in case that multiple processes share the same database, or remote processes access the database. Thus, Kyoto Tycoon is provided for concurrent and remote connections to Kyoto Cabinet. Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases and its access library for client applications. The network protocol between the server and clients is HTTP so that you can write client applications and client libraries in almost all popular languages. Both of RESTful-style interface by the GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE methods and RPC-style inteface by the POST method are supported. The server can handle more than 10 thousand connections at the same time because it uses modern I/O event notification facilities such as "epoll" and "kqueue" of underlying systems. The server supports high availability mechanisms, which are hot backup, update logging, and asynchronous replication. The server can embed Lua, a lightweight script language so that you can define arbitrary operations of the database.
ftp/profxp-3p2 (Score: 0.042759508)
FXP (server-to-server FTP) client
proFXP is a FXP (server-to-server FTP) client written in Perl. It features TAB completion, site management, idle timers, SOCKS support, active and passive mode, different listing modes and a very powerful "down-to-the protocol metal" 2-char-command command line interface, pleasing newbies and hardcore hackers alike.
databases/mysql-5.5.52 (Score: 0.04260934)
Multithreaded SQL database (server)
MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server.
databases/mysql-5.6.33 (Score: 0.04260934)
Multithreaded SQL database (server)
MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server.
databases/mysql-5.7.15 (Score: 0.04260934)
Multithreaded SQL database (server)
MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server.
net/gofish-1.1 (Score: 0.04260934)
GoFish Gopher Server
GoFish is a very simple gopher/web server. It is designed with security, performance. and low resource usage in mind.