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audio/umurmur-0.2.16 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Minimalistic Murmur (Mumble server)
uMurmur is a minimalistic Mumble server primarily targeted to run on routers with an open OS like OpenWRT. The server part of Mumble is called Murmur, hence the name uMurmur.
benchmarks/postal-0.73 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Benchmark SMTP/POP servers
Postal is a SMTP benchmark. Postal-list will list all the possible expansions for an account name (used for creating a list of accounts to create on your test server). Rabid is the mad Biff, it is a POP benchmark.
Perl extension for extensible DBIx::Class deployment
DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler is, as its name suggests, a tool for deploying and upgrading databases with DBIx::Class. It is designed to be much more flexible than DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned, hence the use of Moose and lots of roles.
deskutils/gtodo-0.14 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Gtk2 Todo list manager
gToDo is as the name suggests a todo list application. The goal of the program is to be simple and easy to use. The program is made to fill up the gap of a missing gtk+-2.0 standalone todo list.
devel/AdaID-0.0.1 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Simple Ada library for generating UUIDs
AdaID is a simple Ada library for generating UUIDs. Supported operations include: * Generating random UUIDs * Generating name-based UUIDs * Restoring UUIDs from a string representation. * Converting a UUID to a string
devel/autoconf-wrapper-20131203 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Wrapper script for GNU autoconf
This port installs a wrapper script for autoconf, with symlinks to the unversioned name of each tool included with autoconf. This allows the correct version to be selected depending on the user's requirements.
devel/automake-wrapper-20131203 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Wrapper script for GNU automake
This port installs a wrapper script for automake, with symlinks to the unversioned name of each tool included with automake. This allows the correct version to be selected depending on the user's requirements.
devel/byteable-0.1.1 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Type class for sequence of bytes
Abstract class to manipulate sequence of bytes. The use case of this class is abstracting manipulation of types that are just wrapping a bytestring with stronger and more meaniful name.
devel/classy-prelude- (Score: 0.0062376494)
Typeclass-based Prelude
Focuses on using common typeclasses when possible, and creating new ones to avoid name clashing. Exposes many recommended datastructures (Map, ByteString, etc) directly without requiring long import lists and qualified modules.
devel/utility-ht-0.0.10 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Various small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions
Various small Haskell helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions. Some of these functions are improved implementations of standard functions. They have the same name as their standard counterparts.