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databases/spatialite-tools-4.3.0 (Score: 0.005580486)
Collection of CLI tools supporting SpatiaLite
spatialite-tools is a collection of open source Command Line Interface (CLI) tools supporting SpatiaLite. * spatialite: a complete CLI front-end, more or less equivalent to the well known sqlite3 front-end, but fully supporting SpatiaLite * spatialite_tool: a tool supporting import/export of Shapefiles and DBF-files * shp_doctor: a diagnostic tool to check anomalous shapefiles * exif_loader: an import tool for EXIF or EXIF-GPS (JPEG) pictures * spatialite_network: a tool creating a VirtualNetwork (supporting shortest path / routing SQL queries) * spatialite_gml: a tool importing GML files * spatialite_convert: a tool converting DB-files from different versions of SpatiaLite * spatialite_dxf: an tool importing DXF files * OSM-tools: spatialite_osm_raw, spatialite_osm_filter, spatialite_osm_map, spatialite_osm_net, spatialite_osm_overpass: tools supporting OpenStreetMap datasets * XML-tools: spatialite_xml_load, spatialite_xml_collapse, spatialite_xml_print, spatialite_xml_validator: tools supporting XML files processing
misc/team-3.1 (Score: 0.005580486)
Portable multi-buffered tape streaming utility
Submitted-By: pcg@aber.ac.uk (Piercarlo Grandi) Posting-Number: Volume 27, Issue 195 Archive-Name: team/part01 There exist a few filters that help tapes streams by buffering IO and allowing reads to overlaps with writes under Unix. Most of these filters rely on relatively unportable features, for example SYSV like shared memory. team is a filter that runs essentially unchanged on any Unix version, as it relies only on features present in V7. A number of team processes (team members) share a common input fd and a common output fd, and they take turns at reading from the former and writing to the latter; they synchronize by using a ring of pipes between them, where a "read-enable" and a "write-enable" token circulate. The team source is GPL'ed, and it comes with no warranty.
sysutils/freedt-23 (Score: 0.005580486)
Experimental reimplementation of Dan Bernstein's daemontools
A reimplementation of Dan Bernstein's daemontools under the GNU GPL, sharing no code with the original implementation. It currently includes feature-equivalent replacements for argv0, envdir, envuidgid, setlock, setuidgid, softlimit, supervise, svc, svok, svscan, svstat and recordio. It also includes dumblog (a simple multilog replacement), mkservice (a script for automatically creating service directories), anonidentd (an anonimising identd implementation) and ratelimit (a bandwidth-limiting filter along the lines of recordio). All the tools include usage messages; for instance, do "ratelimit -h" for a brief rundown of the options. Please note that this package is *not* a drop-in replacement for daemontools; the internal state files in service directories are different, and the error messages (and a few of the options) aren't quite the same. It's also still somewhat experimental, so I'd recommend sticking with daemontools on production systems until there's a stable release of freedt.
mail/spampd-2.42 (Score: 0.0055714934)
Spamassassin SMTP Proxy
spampd is a program used within an e-mail delivery system to scan messages for possible Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE, aka spam) content. It uses an excellent program called SpamAssassin (SA) to do the actual message scanning. spampd acts as a transparent SMTP/LMTP proxy between two mail servers, and during the transaction it passes the mail through SA. If SA decides the mail could be spam, then spampd will ask SA to add some headers and a report to the message indicating it's spam and why. spampd is written in Perl and should theoretically run on any platform supported by Perl and SpamAssassin.
devel/Data-Dumper-Simple-0.11 (Score: 0.005559299)
Easily dump variables with names
This module allow the user to dump variables in a Data::Dumper format. Unlike the default behavior of Data::Dumper, the variables are named (instead of $VAR1, $VAR2, etc.) Data::Dumper provides an extended interface that allows the programmer to name the variables, but this interface requires a lot of typing and is prone to tyops (sic). This module fixes that. Data::Dumper::Simple is actually a source filter that replaces all instances of Dumper($some, @args) in your code with a call to Data::Dumper->Dump(). You can use the one function provided to make dumping variables for debugging a trivial task. Note that this is primarily a debugging tool. Data::Dumper offers a bit more than that, so don't expect this module to be more than it is.
mail/mailagent-3.1.78 (Score: 0.005536537)
Sophisticated automatic mail-processing tool
Mailagent allows you to process your mail automatically. Given a set of lex-like rules, you are able to fill mails to specific folders, forward messages to a third person, pipe a message to a command or even post the message to a newsgroup. It is also possible to process messages containing some commands. The mailagent is not usually invoked manually but is rather called via the filter program, which is in turn invoked by sendmail. Most portion of this package is written in Perl and version 5.01M or higher is known to work nicely. You are advised to setup the path variable in your mailagent configuration to include the directory containing perl5 before /usr/bin to avoid getting a lot of warning message although they are harmless. See the man page for the detailed information.
graphics/opengtl-0.9.18 (Score: 0.005511785)
Graphics Transformation Languages
The Graphics Transformation Languages is a set of libraries for using and integrating transformation algorithms (such as filter or color conversion) in graphics applications. The goal is to provide the tools, languages and libraries to create generic transformation for graphics. Those transformations could then be used by different programs (Krita, The Gimp, CinePaint, gegl...). Currently the focus is on developing two languages, designed for two different implementations. - OpenCTL which is a GPL compatible of the Color Transformation Language, this language is dedicated at transforming the value of a single pixel (for instance brightness adjustement or desaturate). CTL is designed to be part of the Color Management process. - OpenShiva is inspired by Adobe's Hydra language from the AIF Toolkit, Shiva is a language that apply a kernel-like transformations on an image, that means it works using more than one pixel.
graphics/shiva-collections-1.4 (Score: 0.005511785)
Collection of kernels for OpenGTL
The Graphics Transformation Languages is a set of libraries for using and integrating transformation algorithms (such as filter or color conversion) in graphics applications. The goal is to provide the tools, languages and libraries to create generic transformation for graphics. Those transformations could then be used by different programs (Krita, The Gimp, CinePaint, gegl...). Currently the focus is on developing two languages, designed for two different implementations. - OpenCTL which is a GPL compatible of the Color Transformation Language, this language is dedicated at transforming the value of a single pixel (for instance brightness adjustement or desaturate). CTL is designed to be part of the Color Management process. - OpenShiva is inspired by Adobe's Hydra language from the AIF Toolkit, Shiva is a language that apply a kernel-like transformations on an image, that means it works using more than one pixel.
lang/commons-jelly-1.0 (Score: 0.005511785)
XML based scripting engine
Jelly is an XML based scripting engine. The basic idea is that XML elements can be bound to a Java Tag which is a Java bean that performs some function. Jelly is totally extendable via custom actions (in a similar way to JSP custom tags) as well as cleanly integrating with scripting languages such as Jexl, Velocity, pnuts, beanshell and via BSF (Bean Scripting Framework) languages like JavaScript & JPython. Jelly uses an XMLOutput class which extends SAX ContentHandler to output XML events. This makes Jelly ideal for XML content generation, SOAP scripting or dynamic web site generation. A single Jelly tag can produce, consume, filter or transform XML events. This leads to a powerful XML pipeline engine similar in some ways to Cocoon.
multimedia/gstreamer-0.10.36 (Score: 0.005511785)
Development framework for creating media applications
[ excerpt from developer's site ] - What is GStreamer? GStreamer allows the construction of graphs of media-handling components, ranging from simple mp3 playback to complex audio (mixing) and video (non-linear editing) processing. Applications can take advantage of advances in codec and filter technology transparently. Developers can add new codecs and filters by writing a simple plugin with a clean, generic interface. GStreamer is released under the LGPL, with many of the included plugins retaining the license of the code they were derived from, usually GPL or BSD. - Features: * Comprehensive Core Library * Intelligent Plugin Architecture * Extensive Development Tools - Is GStreamer a media player? No, GStreamer is a development framework for creating applications like media players, video editors, streaming media broadcasters and so on. That said, very good media players can easily be built on top of GStreamer and we even include a simple yet functional mediaplayer with GStreamer called Gst-Player