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Results 161170 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.006 seconds)
games/four-in-a-row-3.18.2 (Score: 0.019689625)
Make lines of the same color
Gnome chess game with optional 3D graphics.
mail/mimedefang-2.78 (Score: 0.01960469)
Milter based anti-spam and anti-virus filtering program
MIMEDefang is a program for inspecting and modifying e-mail messages as they pass through your mail relay. MIMEDefang is written in Perl, and its filter actions are expressed in Perl, so it's highly flexible. Here are some things that you can do very easily with MIMEDefang: Delete or alter attachments based on file name, contents, results of a virus scan, attachment size, etc. Replace large attachments with links to a centrally-stored copy to ease the burden on POP3 users with slow modem links. Add boilerplate text to e-mail messages. Customize filter rules based on domain, user-name, relay machine, etc. Reject unacceptable messages, where you define what "unacceptable" means. Add or delete recipients for a message.
mail/opensmtpd-extras-201606230001 (Score: 0.019193662)
DKIM-signing filter for OpenSMTPD
mail/opensmtpd-extras-201606230001 (Score: 0.019193662)
DNSBL-checking filter for OpenSMTPD
mail/opensmtpd-extras-201606230001 (Score: 0.019193662)
Regular expression filter for OpenSMTPD
mail/opensmtpd-extras-201606230001 (Score: 0.019193662)
Spamassassin filter addon for OpenSMTPD
www/HTML-StripScripts-Parser-1.03 (Score: 0.019193662)
XSS filter using HTML::Parser
This class provides an easy interface to HTML::StripScripts, using HTML::Parser to parse the HTML. See HTML::Parser for details of how to customise how the raw HTML is parsed into tags, and HTML::StripScripts for details of how to customise the way those tags are filtered.
math/pybloom-1.1 (Score: 0.018596781)
Probabilistic data structure
pybloom is a Python implementation of the bloom filter probabilistic data structure. The module also provides a Scalable Bloom Filter that allows a bloom filter to grow without knowing the original set size.
print/asprint-1.0 (Score: 0.018475112)
Simple browser to allow a user to print
A simple browser to allow a user to print. It uses Athena widgets. The filter doesn't apply correctly however.
textproc/aiksaurus-1.2.1 (Score: 0.018197736)
GTK+2 front-end for Aiksaurus, a thesaurus
A GTK+2 front-end for Aiksaurus, see more detail in textproc/aiksaurus/pkg-descr.