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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第11,25111,260项(搜索用时0.011秒)
multimedia/cclive-0.7.16 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Lightweight command line video extraction tool
cclive is a lightweight command line video extraction tool for YouTube and other similar video websites. It is a rewrite of the clive software in C++ with lower system footprint and fewer dependencies. It works closely with the quvi project to workaround the Flash technology that is being utilized by different media hosts to deliver the content. While being primarily a video download tool, it can also be used alongside with some video players, e.g. mplayer, for viewing streamed videos instead of the Adobe flash player.
multimedia/tivodecode-0.2.p4 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Converts .TiVo files to normal MPEG files
This software converts a .TiVo file (produced by the TiVoToGo functionality on recent TiVo software releases) to a normal MPEG file. This has the same functionality as using TiVo's supplied DirectShow DLL on Windows with a tool such as DirectShowDump, but is portable to different architectures and operating systems, and runs on the command line using files or pipes. The conversion still requires the valid MAK of the TiVo which recorded the file, so it cannot be used to circumvent their protection, simply to provide the same level of access as is already available on Windows.
multimedia/vdr-plugin-control-0.0.2a45 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Video Disk Recorder - telnet control plugin
http://www.linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Control-plugin The 'control' plugin brings the ability to VDR to control the whole OSD over a telnet client. To reach this, 'control' listens on a network socket (default is port 2002). If a client wants to connect, VDR checks if that client is allowed to connect to VDR (see in the documentation of VDR about the svdrphosts.conf file for more info). If the connection is etablished, 'control' sends the curent OSD state to the client. Also all key strokes at the client side are redirected to VDR.
net-im/mcabber-1.0.2 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Small Jabber console client
Mcabber is a small Jabber console client. Here are some of the features of mcabber: o SSL support. o History logging: If enabled (see the CONFIGURATION FILE section), mcabber can save discussions to history log files. o Commands completion: If possible, mcabber will try to complete your command line if you hit the Tab key. o External actions: Some events (like receiving a message) can trig- ger an external action, for example a shell script (you need to enable it in your configuration file).
net-mgmt/argus-clients- (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Client programs for the argus IP network transaction auditing tool
Client programs that read, parse and process Argus data, and comprise the client part of the Audit Record Generation and Utilization System. Argus is a generic IP network transaction auditing tool that has been used by thousands of sites to perform a number of powerful network management tasks that are currently not possible using commercial network management tools. Argus runs as an application level daemon, promiscuously reading network datagrams from a specified interface, and generates network traffic audit records for the network activity that it encounters. It is the way that Argus categorizes and reports on network activity that makes this tool unique and powerful.
net-mgmt/iog-1.03 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Graphs Byte Counts for switches/routers/etc
IOG is a network I/O byte grapher made to graph cumulative KB/MB/GB totals for hours/days and months. It is intended to be simple, fast (support thousands of hosts) and integrate well with MRTG. Data for each host is updated hourly and HTML graphs are created. It uses a data consolidation algorithm which allows for a small, non-growing database file for each host. No external graphing libs or executables are required. IOG has been used in several production ISP environments, including at the authors company, Dynamic Internet (dyni.net). -Larry Rosenman <ler@lerctr.org>
net-mgmt/mk-livestatus-1.2.4 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Nagios event broker module
MK Livestatus - a Nagios event broker module that allows quick, direct and comfortable access to your status data. Livestatus is concepted and tuned to reduce disk, memory and cpu loads caused by live-data processing on the Nagios system. Just as NDO, Livestatus makes use of the Nagios Event Broker API and loads a binary module into the Nagios process. But other than NDO, Livestatus does not actively write out data e.g. to the disk. Instead, it opens a socket for external applications to connect to and fetch the current status information from Nagios.
net-mgmt/netustad-0.3.1 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Web based admin tool that manages network services
To ease the task of network administration, decrease the likelihood of erronous command execution and to maintain all network services from a central point, EnderUNIX SDT anounces the availability of its 9th open-source tool, netUstad. It has been coded in C language and includes its own HTTP server. The newly anounced version provides a web interface for system administrators to add/delete/update FreeBSD IPFW and Linux IpTables rulesets, manage routing table and network interfaces. You can manage your Firewall via a TCP/IP connected remote PC, easily. Project Page:
net-mgmt/Net-IPAddress-1.10 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Perl functions used to manipulate IP addresses, masks and FQDN's
Net::IPAddr is a collection of helpful functions used to convert IP addresses to/from 32-bit integers, applying subnet masks to IP addresses, validating IP address strings, and splitting a FQDN into its host and domain parts. No rocket science here, but I have found these functions to very, very handy. For example, have you ever tried to sort a list of IP addresses only to find out that they don't sort the way you expected? Here is the solution! If you convert the IP addresses to 32-bit integer addresses, they will sort in correct order.
net-mgmt/pmacct-0.14.3 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Accounting and aggregation tool for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic
pmacct is a set of network tools to gather IP traffic informations (bytes counter and number of packets); aggregation of statistics is done using simple primitives (MAC addresses, source host, destination host, ports and ip protocols) that can be used alone or combined together to form complex aggregation methods; counters are either global or historical (broken at fixed timeslots). Data is either stored in a memory table, pulled to stdout or in a SQL database (MySQL or PostgreSQL). Gathering packets off the wire is done either using pcap library (and promiscuous mode of the listening interface) or reading Netflow packets coming from the network.