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Results 3,6213,630 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.004 seconds)
sysutils/cdbkup-1.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Simple but full-featured backup/restore perl scripts (uses gnu tar)
CDBKUP is a professional-grade open-source package for backing up filesystems onto CD-Rs or CD-RWs. Features: Supports full or incremental backups. Results are stored as GNU tarballs on ISO 9660 filesystems. Excellent support for multi-session CDs. Large backups can be split between multiple CDs. Supports gzip, bzip2 or no compression.
sysutils/ascpu-1.11 (Score: 0.01987111)
CPU statistics monitor utility for XFree86
This is an Afterstep look & feel CPU statistics monitor tool.
sysutils/libcpuid-0.3.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Small x86 CPU identification library
libcpuid is a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction. Using it, you can: - Get the processor vendor, model, brand string, code name, etc. - Get information about CPU features such as: number of cores or logical CPUs, cache sizes, CPU clock, etc. - Check if the processor implements a specific instruction set such as SSE2 or 3DNow! - Execute the CPUID and RDTSC instructions in a portable way - And have this all in your commercial application, without getting into trouble, due to permissive license Reference utility (rather advanced and useful on its own) is also provided.
sysutils/cw-1.0.16 (Score: 0.01987111)
Non-intrusive color wrapper for common commands
cw is a non-intrusive real-time ANSI color wrapper for common Unix-based command. cw is designed to simulate the environment of the commands being executed, so that if a person types 'du', 'df', 'ping', etc. in their shell it will automatically color the output in real-time according to a definition file containing the color format desired. cw has support for wildcard match coloring, tokenized coloring, headers/footers, case scenario coloring, command line dependent definition coloring, and includes over 50 pre-made definition files.
sysutils/bbapm-0.0.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
APM monitor for the Blackbox slit
bbapm is an APM meter for Blackbox, designed to be a part of the Blackbox Slit, although it will still function as a stand-alone tool.
sysutils/cronic-3 (Score: 0.01987111)
Shell script that handles cron error detection
Cronic is a small shim shell script for wrapping cron jobs so that cron only sends email when an error has occurred. Cronic defines an error as any non-trace error output or a non-zero result code. Cronic filters Bash execution traces (or anything matching PS4) from the error output, so jobs can be run with execution tracing to aid forensic debugging.
sysutils/cciss_vol_status-1.11 (Score: 0.01987111)
Reports status of logical drives on ciss(4) controllers
Very lightweight program to report the status of logical drives on Smart Array controllers ciss(4).
sysutils/direnv-2.8.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
Environment variable manager for your shell
direnv is an environment switcher for the shell. It knows how to hook into bash, zsh, tcsh and fish shell to load or unload environment variables depending on the current directory. This allows to have project-specific environment variables and not clutter the "~/.profile" file.
sysutils/djmount-0.71 (Score: 0.01987111)
Mount UPnP A/V Media
djmount is a UPnP AV client. It mounts as a Linux filesystem the media content of compatible UPnP AV devices. Djmount discovers automatically all UPnP AV Media Servers on the network, and make the content available in a directory tree. All shared files (e.g. Audio or Video files) are directly visible and can be played using your favorite media player. djmount is written in C for the Linux operating system. It is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
sysutils/duply-1.10.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
Shell front end for the duplicity backup tool
Duply is a shell front end for the duplicity backup tool. It greatly simplifies its usage by implementing backup job profiles, batch commands and more. Who says secure backups on non-trusted spaces are no child's play.