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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第8,5418,550项(搜索用时0.011秒)
devel/artifactory- (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Universal Artifact Repository Manager
The world's most advanced repository manager. Artifactory offers powerful enterprise feature and fine-grained permission control behind a sleek and easy-to-use UI.
devel/Persistence-2.13.2 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Persistent ExtensionClass
This package provides a variant of the persistent base class that's an ExtensionClass. Unless you need ExtensionClass semantics, you probably want to use persistent.Persistent from ZODB3.
devel/Products.Archetypes-1.9.10 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Developers framework for rapidly implementing content types
Archetypes is a developers framework for rapidly developing and deploying rich, full featured content types within the context of Zope/CMF and Plone.
devel/gsoap-2.8.33 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Generator Tools for Coding SOAP/XML Web Services in C and C++
The gSOAP Web services development toolkit offers an XML to C/C++ language binding to ease the development of SOAP/XML Web services in C and C/C++. Most toolkits for C++ Web services adopt a SOAP-centric view and offer APIs that require the use of class libraries for SOAP-specific data structures. This often forces a user to adapt the application logic to these libraries. In contrast, gSOAP provides a transparent SOAP API through the use of proven compiler technologies. These technologies leverage strong typing to map XML schemas to C/C++ definitions. Strong typing provides a greater assurance on content validation of both WSDL schemas and SOAP/XML messages.
Cache managers for Zope 2
This package provides two cache managers for Zope 2. A RAMCacheManager and an Accelerated HTTP cache manager, which adds HTTP cache headers to responses.
devel/anyjson-0.3.3 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
JSON library wrapper for Python
Anyjson loads whichever is the fastest JSON module installed and provides a uniform API regardless of which JSON implementation is used.
devel/archetypes.querywidget-1.0.9 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Widget for creating catalog queries
Archetypes.querywidget implements a widget for creating catalog queries using an email-filtering-like interface, as found in GMail or Apple Mail.
devel/eris-1.3.23 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
WorldForge client entity library
Eris, the WorldForge client entity library is designed to simplify client development (and avoid duplicating effort) by providing a common framework to deal with server communications.
devel/calendar-0.15423 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Library for iCalendar/vCard data
calendar is a python library for parsing and generating iCalendar data. See RFC 5545 and 6350. http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/PyCalendar/trunk
devel/canonicaljson-1.0.0 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Canonical JSON
A JSON library for Python that provides features such as sorted keys, no insignificant whitespace, minimal escaping where necessary and supports frozendict immutable dictionaries.