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devel/PerlIO-via-symlink-0.05 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Symbolic link PerlIO layers
The PerlIO layer symlink allows you to create a symbolic link by writing to the file handle. You need to write C"link $name" to the file handle. If the format does not match, close will fail with EINVAL. Currently only writing is supported.
devel/PerlX-Maybe-1.001 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Return a pair only if they are both defined
Moose classes (and some other classes) distinguish between an attribute being unset and the attribute being set to undef. To ensure that the Person constructor does not try to set a name or age at all when they are undefined, ugly looking code is often used. A slightly more elegant solution is the maybe function.
devel/String-CRC32-1.5 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Perl interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
The CRC32 module calculates CRC sums of 32 bit lengths. It generates the same CRC values as ZMODEM, PKZIP, PIC- CHECK and many others. Despite its name, this module is able to compute the checksum of strings as well as of files.
devel/Sub-Override-0.09 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
Sub::Override allows the programmer to simply name the sub to replace and to supply a sub to replace it with. my $override = Sub::Override->new('Some::sub', sub {'new data'}); # which is equivalent to: my $override = Sub::Override->new; $override->replace('Some::sub', sub { 'new data' });
devel/Test-Command-0.11 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Test routines for external commands
Test::Command intends to bridge the gap between the well tested functions and objects you choose and their usage in your programs. By examining the exit status, terminating signal, STDOUT and STDERR of your program you can determine if it is behaving as expected. This includes testing the various combinations and permutations of options and arguments as well as the interactions between the various functions and objects that make up your program. The various test functions below can accept either a command string or an array reference for the first argument. If the command is expressed as a string it is passed to system as is. If the command is expressed as an array reference it is dereferenced and passed to system as a list. The final argument for the test functions, $name, is optional. By default the $name is a concatenation of the test function name, the command string and the expected value. This construction is generally sufficient for identifying a failing test, but you may always specify your own $name if desired. Any of the test functions can be used as instance methods on a Test::Command object. This is done by dropping the initial $cmd argument and instead using arrow notation.
devel/relative-0.04 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Load modules with relative names
relative - Load modules with relative names This module allows you to load modules using only parts of their name, relatively to the current module or to a given module. Module names are by default searched below the current module, but can be searched upper in the hierarchy using the ..:: syntax.
devel/superclass-0.003 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Like parent, but with version checks
Allows you to both load one or more modules, while setting up inheritance from those modules at the same time. If a module in the import list is followed by something that doesn't look like a legal module name, the VERSION method will be called with it as an argument.
devel/syntax-0.004 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Activate syntax extensions in Perl
This module activates community provided syntax extensions to Perl. You pass it a feature name, and optionally a scalar with arguments, and the dispatching system will load and install the extension in your package. The import arguments are parsed with Data::OptList(3). There are no standardised options. Please consult the documentation for the specific syntax feature to find out about possible configuration options.
devel/liblognorm-2.0.1 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Log normalizer
liblognorm shall help to make sense out of syslog data, or, actually, any event data that is present in text form. In short words, one will be able to throw arbitrary log message to liblognorm, one at a time, and for each message it will output well-defined name-value pairs and a set of tags describing the message.
devel/BytecodeAssembler-0.6 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Generate Python code objects by "assembling" bytecode
py-BytecodeAssembler is a simple bytecode assembler module that handles most low-level bytecode generation details like jump offsets, stack size tracking, line number table generation, constant and variable name index tracking, etc. That way, you can focus your attention on the desired semantics of your bytecode instead of on these mechanical issues.