Ports 搜索

devel/icmake-7.22.01 (Score: 0.0011410769)
Intelligent C-like Maker
Icmake is a hybrid between a 'make' utility and a 'shell script' language. Originally, it was concocted to provide a useful tool for automatic program maintenance and system administrative tasks on MS-DOS platforms. Later on, Icmake was eventually ported to Unix platforms (SCO and Linux). By now Icmake also runs on a HP-Unix platform.
textproc/saxon- (Score: 0.0011352521)
XSLT 2.0 / XPath 2.0 / XQuery 1.0 processor for Java
The Saxon-B 9.1 package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents. The main components are: - An XSLT 2.0 processor, that can be used from the command line, or invoked from a Java application by use of the standard JAXP API. Saxon can be integrated with Java applications using the JAXP API, which means it is possible for a Java application to switch between different XSLT processors without changing the application code. As well as conforming closely with the XSLT 2.0 specification, Saxon offers a number of powerful extensions. - An XPath 2.0 processor accessible via an API to Java applications. - An XQuery 1.0 processor that can be used from the command line, or invoked from a Java application by use of an API. - An XML Schema 1.0 processor. This can be used on its own to validate a schema for correctness, or to validate a source document against the definitions in a schema. It is also used to support the schema-aware functionality of the XSLT and XQuery processors. So you can use Saxon to process XML by writing XSLT stylesheets, by writing XQuery queries, by writing Java applications, or by combinations of the approaches.
devel/murmur-hash- (Score: 0.001133703)
MurmurHash2 implementation for Haskell
Implements MurmurHash2, a good, fast, general-purpose, non-cryptographic hashing function. See <http://murmurhash.googlepages.com/> for details. This implementation is pure Haskell, so it might be a bit slower than a C FFI binding.
security/cracklib-2.9.6 (Score: 0.001133703)
Password-checking library
CrackLib is a library containing a C function (well, lots of functions really, but you only need to use one of them) which may be used in a "passwd"-like program.
devel/Task-Tiny-0.002 (Score: 0.0011325957)
Install a lightweight development environment
Task::Tiny may be used to install a selection of tiny Perl extensions from CPAN.
textproc/scss-0.4.2 (Score: 0.0011313212)
Scheme module for W3C Cascading Stylesheets recommendation
SCSS is a Scheme module for parsing, querying, and emitting style information compatible with the W3C Cascading Stylesheets recommendation. While SCSS does not itself provide any rendering functionality, it can provide style information to applications and libraries that do. If used with XML documents produced by SXML or SDOM, SCSS can accommodate the full range of selector types described in the W3C recommendation; it can also match simple selectors against strings when structured document information is not available.
devel/atf-0.21 (Score: 0.0011310417)
C, C++ and shell libraries to write ATF-compliant test programs
The Automated Testing Framework (ATF) is a collection of libraries to implement test programs in a variety of languages. At the moment, ATF offers C, C++ and POSIX shell bindings with which to implement tests. These bindings all offer a similar set of functionality and any test program written with them exposes a consistent user interface. ATF-based test programs rely on a separate runtime engine to execute them. The runtime engine is in charge of isolating the test programs from the rest of the system to ensure that their results are deterministic and that they cannot affect the running system. The runtime engine is also responsible for gathering the results of all tests and composing reports. The current runtime of choice is Kyua.
audio/Filesys-Virtual-DAAP-0.04 (Score: 0.0011238276)
Present a DAAP share as a VFS
The module can be used to republish a DAAP share. You'll probably want to use Net::DAV::Server or POE::Component::Server::FTP to re-export it in a browseable form.
net/skstream-0.3.9 (Score: 0.0011217899)
iostream based C++ socket library
Skstream is an iostream based C++ socket library. It is ideally suited for use as the underlying transport for Atlas-C++, and has been well tested and debugged. It was first discovered for WorldForge when it was used in UClient and has since been packaged up as its own library for use on other WorldForge projects. The code was originally written by Rafael Guterres Jeffman who is not involved with the project but we have extensively rewritten it, and added new features such as IPv6 support and Unix domain sockets. It now maintained for WorldForge by Al Riddoch and others.
textproc/ctpl-0.3.4 (Score: 0.0011215687)
C Template (Parser) Library
CTPL is a template engine library. It allows fast and easy parsing of templates and fine control over template parsing environment.