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Results 6,6616,670 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.021 seconds)
math/octave-forge-video-1.2.3 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Octave-forge package video
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is video. Implements addframe, avifile, aviinfo, and aviread, using ffmpeg. (and approximately conforms to Matlab interface)
math/Math-FixedPrecision-0.21 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Perl module that provides decimal math without floating point errors
Math::FixedPrecision provides a way to do decimal math without floating point errors. WARNING: In order for all tests to complete successfully, you must replace the stock BigFloat.pm with the one located in this distribution. This file will also be updated as part of the 5.6.1 distribution, when that is released. Please copy the included BigFloat.pm to {PERLVERSION}/lib/Math/BigFloat.pm.
math/Math-Cephes-0.5305 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Perl interface to the cephes math library
This module provides an interface to over 150 functions of the cephes math library of Stephen Moshier. No functions are exported by default, but rather must be imported explicitly, as in use Math::Cephes qw(sin cos); There are a number of export tags defined which allow importing groups of functions.
math/Math-Spline-0.02 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Cubic Spline Interpolation of data
This package provides cubic spline interpolation of numeric data. The data is passed as references to two arrays containing the x and y ordinates. It may be used as an exporter of the numerical functions or, more easily as a class module.
math/pandas-0.18.1 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Flexible, high-performance data analysis in Python
pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with "relational" or "labeled" data both easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real world data analysis in Python.
math/speedcrunch-0.11 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Keyboard-oriented desktop scientific calculator
SpeedCrunch is a multiplatform desktop calculator for power users. It is designed to be enjoyed using keyboard. Result is shown in scrollable display, history of expressions is available with up and down arrow. Some other features: optional keypad, syntax highlight, matched parenthesis indicator, just-in-time calculation (show result even before you finish typing) and autocomplete for variables.
misc/bbjd-1.01 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Beat the blackjack dealer
Bbjd is a tool to calculate the optimum strategy playing Black Jack. This program may be used to prove that when playing Black Jack it is possible to beat the casino. Probably, Black Jack is the only game offered by casinos, where it is possible to win in the long term (and this fact is mathematically proven).
misc/gcstar-1.7.0 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Open source application for managing your collections
GCstar is a free open source application for managing your collections. Detailed information on each item can be automatically retrieved from the internet and you can store additional data, such as the location or who you've lent it to. You may also search and filter your collection by many criteria.
misc/List-Compare-0.37 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Perl extension for comparing lists
List::Compare is a Perl module which allows you to compare lists. More than two lists can be compared, in either full or accelerated way, via both array/list and hash references, and, finally, via both object-oriented and functional call style.
misc/colortail-0.3.3 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
tail(1) replacement with color support
Colortail works like the standard tail but it can optionally read a color config file where it's specified expressions that results in colors. It can be used to quickly get an overview of interesting activity by ie. colorize those brightred or some other color of your choose.