Ports 搜索

chinese/qterm-0.5.12 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
QTerm 是一个为 BSD/Linux 开发的 BBS 客户端
QTerm 是一个 X Windows System 下的 BBS 客户端。其目标是做成一个 类似在 MS Windows 下的 Fterm 和 CTerm 的客户端。 特性: 1.鼠标支持 2.复制和粘贴 3.文章下载 4.地址簿 5.防止闲置 6.在 GB 和 BIG5 之间转换 - Yuan, Jue <yuanjue@yuanjue.net>
chinese/phpbb-3.0.12 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
The Traditional Chinese version of phpBB3
phpBB is a free flat-forum bulletin board software solution that can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website. With an extensive database of user-created modifications and styles database containing hundreds of style and image packages to customise your board, you can create a very unique forum in minutes. No other bulletin board software offers a greater complement of features, while maintaining efficiency and ease of use. Best of all, phpBB is completely free. We welcome you to test it for yourself today*. If you have any questions please visit our Community Forum where our staff and members of the community will be happy to assist you with anything from configuring the software to modifying the code for individual needs. Learn more about phpBB.
chinese/scim-3.1.1 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
fcitx 的 SCIM 输入法引擎模块
fcitx 意为 Free Chinese Input Toy of X,它是一个基于 XIM(X Input Method) 的简体 中文输入法的集合,包括五笔、拼音、和区位码。 scim-fcitx 是一个 fcitx 的 SCIM 输入法引擎模块。
chinese/scim-pinyin-0.5.92 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
SCIM 中文智能拼音输入法
SCIM 中文智能拼音输入法 智能通用输入法平台,简称 SCIM,是一个让输入法开发者变得轻松的开发平台。它有一个非常清晰的体系 和简单的编程接口。
chinese/sunpinyin-2.0.4.r3 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
Statistical language model based input method engine
SunPinyin is a statistical language model based Chinese input method, which was firstly developed by Sun Beijing Globalization team, and opensource'd to community with OpenSolaris project, with LGPLv2 and CDDL dual-licenses.
comms/ebook2cwgui-0.1.2 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
gui front end for ebooks2cw
ebook2cwgui is a GUI front end for ebook2cw created in WxWidgets with support for both Linux and Windows. Written by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK <mail@fkurz.net>
comms/klog- (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
Simple Qt-based amateur radio logger
KLog is a simple amateur radio logging program for KDE. It supports QSL management, DXCC, WAZ and local awards, DX Clusters, Basic IOTA, Satellite support, and import from ADIF, TLF, and Cabrillo formats.
comms/splat-1.4.0 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
Used in calculating path losses, useful to ham radio and others
SPLAT! is an RF Signal Propagation, Loss, And Terrain analysis tool for the spectrum between 20 MHz and 20 GHz. Useful to Amateur Radio operators. Written by John A. Magliacane, KD2BD
comms/smstools-3.1.15 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
SMS Gateway software for GSM modems and mobile phones
The SMS Server Tools 3 is a SMS Gateway software which can send and receive short messages through GSM modems and mobile phones. This is the enhanced version 3.x maintained by Mr. Keijo "Keke" Kasvi.
comms/syncterm-1.0 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
ANSI-BBS terminal which supports telnet, rlogin, and SSH
An ANSI-BBS terminal designed to connect to remote BBSs via telnet, rlogin, or SSH. Supports ANSI music and the IBM charset when possible. Will run from a console, under X11 using XLib, or using SDL.