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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第801810项(搜索用时0.012秒)
devel/File-Tail-Scribe-0.13 (Score: 0.02097752)
Perl Module to tail file to Scribe server
It monitors files in a given directory (or set of directories), such as Apache log files in /var/log/httpd, and as the log files are written to, takes the changes and sends them to a running instance of the Scribe logging system.
www/apache22-2.2.31 (Score: 0.02097752)
Version 2.2.x of Apache web server with itk MPM.
Apache 2.2 with the itk MPM enabled.
www/HTTPD-User-Manage-1.66 (Score: 0.02097752)
Perl modules for managing access control with the web server
HTTPD-User-Manage is set of Perl modules for managing access control with the Apache, NCSA httpd, CERN and Netscape servers (and maybe some others). You can install this program as a CGI script to allow remote users to change their Web access passwords. Web administrators can use it to remotely add, edit and delete users and their groups. You can also use it from the command line as a nice all-in-one interface to access control databases based on text files, DBM files, and SQL databases.
www/Perlbal-Plugin-PSGI-0.03 (Score: 0.02097752)
Perl extension for PSGI web server on Perlbal
This is a Perlbal plugin to allow any PSGI application run natively inside Perlbal process.
www/httpclient-2.8.0 (Score: 0.020969877)
Yet another HTTP client implementation by NaHi
httpclient gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby. httpclient formerly known as http-access2. Features: * methods like GET/HEAD/POST/* via HTTP/1.1. * HTTPS(SSL), Cookies, proxy, authentication(Digest, NTLM, Basic), etc. * asynchronous HTTP request, streaming HTTP request. * by contrast with net/http in standard distribution; o Cookies support o MT-safe o streaming POST (POST with File/IO) o Digest auth o Negotiate/NTLM auth for WWW-Authenticate (requires net/htlm module) o NTLM auth for Proxy-Authenticate (requires Win32/sspi module) o extensible with filter interface o you dont have to care HTTP/1.1 persistent connection (httpclient cares instead of you) * Not supported now o Cache o Rather advanced HTTP/1.1 usage such as Range, deflate, etc. (of course you can set it in header by yourself) For more detail, see API document at dev.ctor.org/doc/httpclient/
security/Crypt-Imail-0.01 (Score: 0.020958647)
Perl extension to encrypt and decrypt Imail passwords
This package is used to encrypt and decrypt passwords generated by IMail. See: http://www.ipswitch.com/products/imail_server/
net/httping-2.5 (Score: 0.020893903)
Ping-like tool for HTTP requests
Httping is like ping but for http-requests. Give it an url, and it will show you how long it takes to connect, send a request and retrieve the reply (only the headers).
www/snarf-7.0 (Score: 0.020819787)
Another small command-line URL (http/ftp/gopher/finger) fetcher
Snarf is another small command-line URL fetcher. It supports proxying, http redirect, http and ftp resume, http and ftp authentication, as well as retrieving data via gopher and finger protocols.
devel/qserve-0.2.8 (Score: 0.020712383)
Job queue server
qserve is used in mwlib. It's a job queue server written in python.
net/pxe-pdhcp-0.0.2007 (Score: 0.020712383)
Preboot Execution Environment server
An implementation of Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) server. pxe-pdhcp works with DHCP server running on another host. The DHCP server doesn't need to be configured for any PXE specific options. This means that you can set up network boot environment without re-configuring existent DHCP server.