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devel/inilib-1.0.7b3 (Score: 0.0020252774)
C++ lib which provides a method of saving the "state" of a program
inilib is a C++ library which provides a method of saving the "state" of a program. inilib provides a means of storing a number of arbitrary settings in memory with an easy access interface, as well providing means for saving the information to and loading it from disk. Data is stored in an easy to read format, allowing the user to modify any of the information with a simple text editor. inilib benefits the programmer by providing a simple, intuitive means to store any data that can be expressed in std::string, int, double, or bool types. In addition, inilib handles any conversion that may be necessary to convert from one type to the other. Saving all information stored in inilib to disk or loading information from disk requires only one command.
devel/File-HStore-0.10 (Score: 0.0020138964)
Store files on a filesystem using a simple hash-based storage
File-HStore is a very minimalist perl library to store files on a filesystem using a very simple hash-based storage. File-HStore is nothing more than a simple wrapper interface to a storage containing a specific directory structure where files are hold based on their hashes. The name of the directories is based on the first two bytes of the hexadecimal form of the digest. The file is stored and named with its full hexadecimal form in the corresponding prefixed directory. The current version is supporting the SHA-1 and SHA-2 (256 bits) algorithm. The FAT (Free Archive Toolkit) format is also supported and it is composed of the date of submission plus the SHA-2 real digest part.
multimedia/lxdvdrip-1.62 (Score: 0.0020138964)
Command Line Tool to make a copy from a Video DVD
dvdrip is a Command Line Tool to make a copy from a Video DVD for private Use. It automates the process of Ripping, Authoring, Preview and Burning of a DVD. Features: - Automatic Selection of the longest Title - Automatic Calculation of Factor to Requant - Automatic Read of Volume-ID - Automatic Chapter Separation from Original - Ripping of Audiotracks in every Language - Selection of dts-Audiotracks as Default - Selection of two Subpicture-Tracks possible - Ripping and Re-Authoring - Preview of VOB-Files with mplayer or xine - Burning with growisofs or cdrecord-prodvd - All Program Parameters could be stored in a Config File as Program Defaults - All Paramaters can be overwritten on the fly at the Command Line - Program with english, french or german Messages - Rip of Subpicture-Tracks - Copy DVD < 4.7 GB with Menus; > 4.7 GB with vamps, without Menus. - Partial Copy: Copy selected Titles from a DVD (dvdunauthor/vamps) - High Quality Backup (1 DVD9 => 2 DVD5) - DVD with Menus for Title-, Audio- and Chapter Selection (dvdwizard)
net/datapipe-1.0 (Score: 0.0020138964)
Bind a local port and connect it to a remote socket
datapipe.c is a simple program that allows a listening TCP/IP port to be constructed on the machine it is running on. Any connections to that port will then be forwarded to the specified remote host and remote port. This program can be useful for allowing your Distributed.net clients communicate to the outside world by running it on a gateway machine that has access to both the inside firewall and the outside realworld. Additionally, if you live behind a SOCKS firewall, you can compile this code with SOCKS support for your system and use it to act as a "SOCKS translator" for your Distributed.net clients. In this case, datapipe doesn't even need to be run on a gateway machine.
devel/IO-Pager-0.36 (Score: 0.0020124689)
Select a pager, optionally pipe it output if destination is a TTY
IO::Pager is lightweight and can be used to locate an available pager and set $ENV{PAGER} sanely or as a factory for creating objects defined elsewhere such as IO::Pager::Buffered and IO::Pager::Unbuffered. IO::Pager subclasses are designed to programmatically decide whether or not to pipe a filehandle's output to a program specified in $ENV{PAGER}. Subclasses are only required to support filehandle output methods and close, namely
devel/Tie-File-1.00 (Score: 0.0020124689)
Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
Tie::File represents a regular text file as a Perl array. Each element in the array corresponds to a record in the file. The first line of the file is element 0 of the array; the second line is element 1, and so on. The file is not loaded into memory, so this will work even for gigantic files. Changes to the array are reflected in the file immediately.
devel/Devel-Size-Report-0.13 (Score: 0.0020110265)
Extension to generate a size report for all elements in a structure
Devel::Size can only report the size of a single element or the total size of a structure (array, hash etc). This module enhances Devel::Size by giving you the ability to generate a full size report for each element in a structure. You have full control over how the generated text report looks like, and where you want to output it. In addition, the method track_size allows you to get at the raw data that is used to generate the report for even more flexibility.
devel/Sys-RunAlone-0.12 (Score: 0.0020110265)
Make sure only one invocation of a script is active at a time
Provide a simple way to make sure the script from which this module is loaded, is only running once on the server.
graphics/exiftags-1.01 (Score: 0.0020110265)
Parses a specified JPEG file for a JPEG APP1 section containing Exif data
The exiftags utility parses a specified JPEG file or, by default, its standard input, looking for a JPEG APP1 section containing Exif (Exchangeable Image File) data. The properties contained in these data are then printed to the standard output. Digital cameras typically add Exif data to the image files they produce, containing information about the camera and digitized image. The program supports a variety of cameras, and includes additional support for a portion of the maker notes for Canon, Fuji, Nikon, and Olympus cameras.
sysutils/squashfuse-0.1.100 (Score: 0.0020110265)
Mount a squashfs archive and treat it like a local file system
Squashfuse is a command line utility for mounting SquashFS archives in user-space. It supports almost all features of the SquashFS format.