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Results 7,7617,770 of 8,048 for www%3Atrac.(0.006 seconds)
science/libxc-3.0.0 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Library of exchange-correlation functionals for DFT
Libxc is library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory. The aim is to provide a portable, well tested and reliable set of exchange and correlation functionals that can be used by all the ETSF codes and also other codes. In libxc you can find different types of functionals: LDA, GGA, hybrids, and mGGA (experimental).
science/medit-2012.02.05 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Interactive meshes visualization
Medit is an interactive mesh visualization software, developed by P. Frey (University Pierre et Marie Curie). It is intended to display computation results (in mechanics of the solids or fluids, thermics, electromagnetism, etc.) on grids 2d (triangles and quadrangles), 3d (tetrahedrons or hexahedrons) or surfaces (triangles and quandrangles).
science/minc-2.2.00 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Medical Imaging NetCDF
MINC (Medical Imaging NetCDF) is a medical imaging data format and an associated set of tools and libraries.
science/fasthenry-3.0.w.021113 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Multipole-accelerated inductance analysis program
FastHenry computes the frequency dependent self and mutual inductances and resistances between conductors of complex shape. The algorithm used in FastHenry is an acceleration of rge mesh formulation approach. The linear system resulting from the mesh formulation is solved using a generalized minimal residual algorithm with a fast multipole algorithm to efficiently compute the iterates. --------------------- Superconductivity Support ------------------------- This version of fasthenry has been modified to support superconducting segments and ground planes by Stephen R. Whiteley of Whitleley Research Inc. The analysis used is based on the London equations and the two-fluid model. Both reactive and lossy components of the superconductor complex conductivity are employed in obtaining the impedance matrix.
science/ruby-netcdf- (Score: 0.0034885632)
Ruby interface to the NetCDF scientific IO library
This is a Ruby interface to the NetCDF scientific IO library.
science/simlib-3.02 (Score: 0.0034885632)
SIMulation LIBrary for C++ programming language
SIMLIB/C++ is the SIMulation LIBrary for C++ programming language. You can create models directly in C++ language with the use of predefined simulation tools from the library. SIMLIB allows object-oriented description of models based on simulation abstractions. Current version allows a description of continuous, discrete, combined, 2D/3D vector, and fuzzy models. SIMLIB/C++ is developed at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Brno University of Technology since 1991.
security/cryptlib-3.4.1 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Powerful security programming toolkit
cryptlib is a powerful security toolkit which allows even inexperienced crypto programmers to easily add encryption and authentication services to their software. The high-level interface provides anyone with the ability to add strong security capabilities to an application in as little as half an hour, without needing to know any of the low-level details which make the encryption or authentication work. Because of this, cryptlib dramatically reduces the cost involved in adding security to new or existing applications. cryptlib provides a standardised interface to a number of popular encryption algorithms, as well as providing a high-level interface which hides most of the implementation details and provides an operating-system-independent encoding method which makes it easy to transfer secured data from one operating environment to another.
security/dcetest-1.2 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Utility to dump MSRPC endpoint information from Windows systems
This little utility dumps MSRPC endpoint information from Windows systems. Similar to the rpcdump program from Microsoft, but does not need a DCE stack and so runs on Unixes. dcetest can be very useful once inside a DMZ to fingerprint Windows machines on the network. dcetest operates over TCP port 135. (Think of it as rpcinfo -p against Windows)
security/fprint_demo-20080303 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Demo and test application for libfprint
fprint_demo is a simple GTK+ application to demonstrate and test libfprint's capabilities. It can be used to enroll new finger prints as well as verify and delete existing data sets.
security/fprintd-0.6.0 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Daemon that provides fingerprint scanning functionality over D-Bus
Fprintd is a D-Bus daemon that offers libfprint functionality over the D-Bus interprocess communication bus. By adding this daemon layer above libfprint, we solve various problems related to multiple applications simultaneously competing for fingerprint readers. While it is not very nice to think of a daemon being necessary in this scenario, fprintd will be launched by D-Bus through the activation mechanism. This means it is launched only when needed, and additionally it will shut itself down after a period of inactivity. (Text copied from link below.)