Ports 搜索

devel/TheSchwartz-1.10 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Reliable job queue
TheSchwartz is a reliable job queue system. Your application can put jobs into the system, and your worker processes can pull jobs from the queue atomically to perform. Failed jobs can be left in the queue to retry later.
devel/Throwable-0.200013 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Easy-to-use class for error objects
Throwable is a role for classes that are meant to be thrown as exceptions to standard program flow. It is very simple and does only two things: saves any previous value for $@ and calls die $self.
devel/strictures-2.000003 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Turn on strict and make all warnings fatal
strictures turns on indirect checking only when it thinks it's running in a compilation (or pod coverage) test - though if this causes undesired behaviour this can be overriden by setting the PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA environment variable.
devel/subversion-1.9.4 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
版本控制系统的 Perl 绑定
Subversion 是一个版本控制系统,其设计得尽可能地类似于 cvs(1),但解决了很多 cvs(1) 未解决的问题。 这个 port 给 Subversion 添加 Perl 绑定。
devel/PHPUnit-3.7.6 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
PEAR regression testing framework for unit tests
PHPUnit is a regression testing framework used by the developer who implements unit tests in PHP. It is based upon JUnit, which can be found at http://www.junit.org/.
devel/Class-Virtual-0.08 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Base class for virtual base classes in Perl
This is a base class for implementing virtual base classes (what some people call an abstract class). It allows you to explicitly declare what methods are virtual and that must be implemented by subclasses.
devel/notifier-0.5.8 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Generic notifier/event scheduler abstraction
pyNotifier is a notifier/event scheduler abstraction written in python. It implements notification mechanisms for socket events (read or write) and timers. Additionally external event dispatchers may be called during an idle period.
devel/repoze.lru-0.6 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
repoze.lru is a LRU (least recently used) cache implementation. Keys and values that are not used frequently will be evicted from the cache faster than keys and values that are used frequently.
devel/activitymail-1.26 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Program for sending email messages for CVS repository commits
This program may be used for sending email messages for CVS repository activity. There are a number of different modes supported. It can send messages for every change to the repository (like syncmail), or it can be used to send a single message for each commit. In the latter case, a list of all the files affected by the commit will be assembled and listed in the single message. This is similar to how commit_prep and log_accum work, but is more efficient. An additional option allows for diffs to be calculated for the recent changes, and either appended to the message (like syncmail) or added as an attachment (neater). See the -d and -a options in the documentation.
devel/subversion-1.9.4 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
版本控制系统的 Python 绑定
Subversion 是一个版本控制系统,其设计得尽可能地类似于 cvs(1),但解决了很多 cvs(1) 未解决的问题。 这个 port 给 Subversion 添加 Python 绑定。