Ports 搜索

converters/Unicode-Map-0.112 (Score: 0.0032064626)
Perl class that converts strings to/from 2-byte Unicode UCS2 format
This module converts strings from and to 2-byte Unicode UCS2 format. All mappings happen via 2 byte UTF16 encodings, not via 1 byte UTF8 encoding. To convert between UTF8 and UTF16 use Unicode::String. For historical reasons this module coexists with Unicode::Map8. Please use Unicode::Map8 unless you need to care for >1 byte character sets, e.g. chinese GB2312. Anyway, if you stick to the basic functionality (see documentation) you can use both modules equivalently. Practically this module will disappear from earth sooner or later as Unicode mapping support needs somehow to get into perl's core. If you like to work on this field please don't hesitate contacting Gisle Aas and check out the mailing list perl-unicode!
lang/ptoc-3.58 (Score: 0.0032064626)
ANSI/Turbo Pascal to C/C++ converter
This is yet another ANSI/Turbo Pascal to C/C++ converter together with BGI graphics library emulation for X Window System. Converter recognizes Pascal dialects which are compatible with Turbo Pascal 4.0/5.0 and ISO Pascal standard - IEC 7185:1990(E) (including conformant arrays). Now it is tuned for Oregon Pascal-2 V2.1 which has few extensions to standard Pascal. Converter can produce both C++ and C output. Now PTOC recognizes Turbo Pascal's extensions, such as units, strings, some special types and operations. Turbo Pascal extensions are supported only for C++ language. Also emulation libraries of Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) for X Window System included in this distribution (BGI emulators can be also used without converter for C programs using BGI).
www/webstone-2.5 (Score: 0.0032064626)
World wide web server benchmarking with SSL support
WebStone is free benchmarking tool for web servers available from Mindcraft. The version available here has been SSL enabled, so secure web servers can be benchmarked using our version. In addition to the default configuration parameters, the following can be specified: 1. SSL_VERSION: SSLv2, SSLv23 or SSLv3 (default SSLv3) 2. SSL_CIPHER(SSL preferred cipher): use ssl ciphers specified in ssl[2,3].h, e.g RC4-SHA, IDEA-CBC-SHA, DH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA (default EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA). Specifying an SSLv2 cipher in SSLv3 mode won't work (and vice versa) 3. SSL_CACHE_MODE(client cache mode): ON, OFF (default OFF) 4. SSL_MIX(percentage HTTPS connections, remaining connections are filled in with HTTP connections): 0.0-1.0 (default 1.0) 5. HTTPS_PORT: port (default 8443)
devel/Devel-Cover-1.23 (Score: 0.003205042)
Code coverage metrics for Perl
This module provides code coverage metrics for Perl. If you can't guess by the version number this is an alpha release. Code coverage data are collected using a pluggable runops function which counts how many times each op is executed. These data are then mapped back to reality using the B compiler modules. There is also a statement profiling facility which needs a better backend to be really useful. The cover program can be used to generate coverage reports. Statement, branch, condition, subroutine, pod and time coverage information is reported. Statement coverage data should be reasonable, although there may be some statements which are not reported. Branch and condition coverage data should be mostly accurate too, although not always what one might initially expect. Subroutine coverage should be as accurate as statement coverage. Pod coverage comes from Pod::Coverage. Coverage data for path coverage are not yet collected.
japanese/edict-19990714 (Score: 0.003205042)
Japanese-English dictionaries with access and maintenance utilities
XJDIC V2.3, XJDSERVER V2.3 -- (Copyright: J.W. Breen - 1998) XJDIC is an electronic Japanese-English dictionary program designed to operate in the X11 window environment. In particular, it must run in an "xterm" environment which has Japanese language support such as provided by "kterm" or internationalized xterm, aixterm, etc. It is based on JDIC and JREADER which were developed to run under MS-DOS on IBM PCs or clones. XJDIC functions as: (a) an English to Japanese dictionary (eiwa jiten), searching for and displaying entries for key-words entered in English; (b) a Japanese to English dictionary (waei jiten), searching for and displaying entries for keywords or phrases entered in Japanese (kanji, hiragana or katakana); (c) a Japanese-English Character dictionary (kanei jiten), capable of selecting kanji characters by JIS code, radical, stroke count, Nelson Index number or reading, and displaying compounds containing that kanji.
textproc/linuxdoc-1.1 (Score: 0.003205042)
The Linuxdoc SGML DTD
This directory contains three versions of the linuxdoc DTD. The first, original.dtd, is the original untouched DTD from the SGML-tools version 0.99.13 toolkit. The second, freebsd-1.0.dtd, has been slightly modified to (a) remove bogus shortref maps, and (b) add a PART element. The third, freebsd-1.1.dtd adds a manref element. Using the supplied catalog file with James Clark's SP parser, documents beginning like this: <!doctype linuxdoc system> will automatically use the original DTD, while these: <!doctype linuxdoc public "-//FreeBSD//DTD linuxdoc//EN"> <!doctype linuxdoc public "-//FreeBSD//DTD linuxdoc 1.0//EN"> will use the FreeBSD DTD, version 1.0 and this: <!doctype linuxdoc public "-//FreeBSD//DTD linuxdoc 1.1//EN"> will use the FreeBSD DTD, version 1.1. January 17, 1998 jfieber@FreeBSD.org
misc/newer-1.0 (Score: 0.003155532)
Implementation of AT&T Research UNIX V8 newer(1)
> There doesn't appear to be any decent way to compare the last modified > times of files from the shell... Before everybody starts inventing their own names for this, it should be noted that V8 already has a program for this, newer(1). It takes two filenames as arguments, and exits with status 0 if and only if either (a) the first exists and the second does not, or (b) both exist and the first's modification time is at least as recent as the second's. Other- wise it exits with non-zero status. (The preceding two sentences are essentially the whole of the manual page for it.) Relatively few people have V8, but in the absence of any other precedent for what this facility should like look, it seems reasonable to follow V8's lead: newer file1 file2 exit with 0 status if file1 exists and file2 does not, or if file1's last modified time is at least as recent as file2's.
devel/Sub-Uplevel-0.2500 (Score: 0.0031426433)
Appear to run a function in a higher stack frame
Like Tcl's uplevel() function, but not quite so dangerous. The idea is just to fool caller(). All the really naughty bits of Tcl's uplevel() are avoided.
www/LWP-MediaTypes-6.02 (Score: 0.0031426433)
Guess media type for a file or a URL
This module provides functions for handling media (also known as MIME) types and encodings.
devel/Sub-Infix-0.004 (Score: 0.0031110584)
Create a fake infix operator
Sub::Infix creates fake infix operators using overloading. It doesn't use source filters, or Devel::Declare, or any of that magic. It's pure Perl, has no non-core dependencies, and runs on Perl 5.8.