Ports 搜索

www/drood-5.32 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Lightweight kqueue-based http/1.1 server
Drood is a lightweight, partially-compliant HTTP/1.1 server, intended as an alternative to more complex web servers for websites where the server requirements are simple. Drood supports IPv4/IPv6, name-based virtual hosting, SCGI, and WebSockets.
www/paros-3.2.13 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application vulnerability
"A Java based HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application vulnerability. It supports editing/viewing HTTP messages on-the-fly. Other featuers include spiders, client certificate, proxy-chaining, intelligent scanning for XSS and SQL injections etc."
www/WWW-Spinn3r-3.00700001 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Interface to the Spinn3r API
API is implemented over REST and XML and documented at http://spinn3r.com/documentation. Spinn3r service is available through a vendor key, which you can get from the good folks at Tailrank, http://spinn3r.com/contact.
www/WebService-Basecamp-0.1.4 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Perl interface to the Basecamp API webservice
Basecamp is a web based project collaboration tool that makes it simple to communicate and collaborate on projects. Basecamp is built on the Ruby on Rails platform but provides a webservice API to many of the application functions. WebService::Basecamp is a Perl interface to the Basecamp web service API. For more information on Basecamp, visit the Basecamp website. http://www.basecamphq.com. This module does much of the heavy lifting for you when accessing the Basecamp API. Once initialising a WebService::Basecamp object you can access the API function via method calls. The module takes care of the creation and parsing of the XML (using XML::Simple) that relays the data across the web service, however there is an option to access the XML directly (see new()). The documentation for this module is based on the Basecamp API docs available at http://www.basecamphq.com/api. It is recommended you read the official docs to become familiar with the data reference.
www/WebService-Simple-0.24 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Simple Interface To Web Services APIs
WebService::Simple is a simple class to interact with web services. It's basically an LWP::UserAgent that remembers recurring api URLs and parameters, plus sugar to parse the results.
www/HTTP_Server-0.4.1 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
HTTP server class
HTTP server class that allows you to easily implement HTTP servers by supplying callbacks. The base class will parse the request, call the appropriate callback and build a repsonse based on an array that the callbacks have to return.
www/Services_GeoNames-1.0.1 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
PHP5 Interface to the GeoNames Public API
Services_GeoNames is a PHP5 interface to the various webservices offered by the GeoNames project. The GeoNames database contains over 8,000,000 geographical names corresponding to over 6,500,000 unique features. All features are categorized into one out of nine feature classes and further subcategorized into one out of 645 feature codes. Beyond names of places in various languages, data stored include latitude, longitude, elevation, population, administrative subdivision and postal codes. All coordinates use the WGS84 system (World Geodetic System 1984). Those data are accessible free of charge through a number of Web services and a daily database export. The Web services include direct and reverse geocoding,finding places through postal codes, finding places next to a given place, and finding Wikipedia articles about neighbouring places.
www/MechanicalSoup-0.4.0 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Python library for automating interaction with websites
MechanicalSoup is a Python library for automating interaction with websites. It automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, and can follow links and submit forms. Javascript is not supported at the Moment.
www/cssutils-1.0 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
CSS Cascading Style Sheets library for Python
A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. Partly implement the DOM Level 2 CSS interfaces. Additional some cssutils only convenience and (hopefully) more pythonic methods are integrated.
www/Tenjin-1.1.1 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Fast and full-featured template engine based on embedded Python
Tenjin is a very fast and full-featured template engine. You can embed Python statements and expressions into your template file. Tenjin converts it into Python script and evaluate it.