Ports 搜索

devel/lunit-0.5 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
Unit Testing Framework for Lua
Lunit is a unit testing framework for lua, written in lua. It provides currently 27 assert functions, 8 type checking functions and a few miscellaneous functions for usage as an easy unit testing framework.
devel/motor-3.4.0 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
Powerful text mode based programming IDE
Motor is a text mode based programming environment for *nix. It consists of a powerful editor with syntax highlight, project manager, makefile generator, gcc and gdb front-end, etc. Deep CVS integration is also provided.
devel/magic-0.7.3 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
OCaml binding for libmagic(3)
[ excerpt from developer's www site ] An ocaml wrapper for the libmagic(3) API. The libmagic API consults on a magic(5) database file in order to provide information to identify the type of a given file.
devel/AI-Prolog-0.741 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
Perl extension for logic programming
AI::Prolog is merely a convenient wrapper for a pure Perl Prolog compiler. Regrettably, at the current time, this requires you to know Prolog. That will change in the future.
devel/BFD-0.31 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
Impromptu dumping of data structures for debugging purposes
BFD allows for impromptu dumping of output to STDERR. Useful when you want to take a peek at a nest Perl data structure by emitting (relatively) nicely formatted output with filename and line number prefixed to each line.
devel/CPAN-Recent-Uploads-0.08 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
Find the distributions recently uploaded to CPAN
CPAN::Recent::Uploads provides a mechanism for obtaining a list of the RECENT uploads to CPAN as determined from the files produced by File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile that exist in the authors/ directory on CPAN.
devel/CommitBit-0.02 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
Project administration tool
CommitBit is a tool for managing commit access to software projects. It also provides for a "code.yourorganization.org" site with links to your wiki, mailing lists, bug tracking and so on.
devel/Data-TemporaryBag-0.09 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
Handle long size data using temporary file
Data::TemporaryBag module provides a bag object class handling long size data. The short size data are kept on memory. When the data size becomes over $Threshold size, they are saved into a temporary file internally.
devel/Data-Table-1.75 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
Data type related to database tables, HTML table displays, etc
This perl package uses perl5 objects to make it easy for manipulating spreadsheet data among disk files, database, and Web publishing. A table object contains a header and a two-dimensional array of scalars. Four class methods Data::fromFile, Data::Table::fromCSV, Data::Table::fromTSV, and Data::Table::fromSQL allow users to create a table object from a CSV/TSV file or a database SQL selection in a snap. Table methods provide basic access, add, delete row(s) or column(s) operations, as well as more advanced sub-table extraction, table sorting, record matching via keywords or patterns, table merging, and web publishing. Data::Table class also provides a straightforward interface to other popular Perl modules such as DBI and GD::Graph.
devel/Date-EzDate-1.16 (Score: 4.685167E-5)
Date and time manipulation made easy
The main idea of EzDate is that the object represents a specific date and time. A variety of properties tells you information about that date and time such as hour, minute, day of month, weekday, etc.