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dns/walker-3.8 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Recover zone file information from servers that use DNSSEC
walker - recover zone file information from servers that have disabled zone transfers but use DNSSEC. Fetch NXT record on zone name, walk the NXT chain until all records are fetched. Requires Bind version 9.x program `dig' located in path.
ftp/ftpmirror-1.96 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Utility to mirror directory hierarchy with FTP
Ftpmirror is an utility to copy directory hierarchy (this is called ``mirror'') with FTP. A similar perl script exists, whose name is `mirror', but ftpmirror requires less memory than mirror.
ftp/ftpfind-0.996 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Find directory&file on a ftp server
ftpfind - find directory&file on a ftp server usage: /usr/local/bin/ftpfind URL [-proxy proxy_server] \ [-login login_name] [-password password] \ [-regexp pattern] [-type d|f|l] [-ls] [-print] \ [-delete|-get [directory] [-new] [-resume] \ |-put [directory] [-new] \ |-chmod 0???]
ftp/wput-0.6.2 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Uploads files or directories to a ftpserver with support of resuming
wput is a tiny program that looks like wget and does as the name suggests exactly the opposite: it uploads files or recursively whole directories to a ftp-server and supports resuming.
games/bsdrain-5.0 (Score: 0.0062376494)
The original BSD rain program, ported from NetBSD
Rain is an animated raindrops display program modelled after the VMS program of the same name. This program was originally included in the 4.4 BSD distribution set. This version was taken from NetBSD.
games/xgospel-1.12d (Score: 0.0062376494)
X11 Go (weiqi, baduk) client for the Internet Go Server
Xgospel is an X11 Go client for playing the game Go (weiqi, Baduk) on the IGS (Internet Go Server) or NNGS (No Name Go Server). For more information, see http://igs.joyjoy.net
games/3omns-0.1 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Old-school bomb-dropping Deathmatch
3omns is an old-school arcade-style tile-based bomb-dropping deathmatch game. The name is a bastardization of the word Bombs (and you should pronounce it however you want).
games/xosmulti-1.00 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Little girl cartoon on the top of the active window
What is xosmulti!? The xosmulti is a kind of X-Windows Desktop-Toy, which displays a little girl catoon on the top of the active window. "Multi" is her name, and "os" means "sit" in Japanese.
graphics/iccexamin-0.55 (Score: 0.0062376494)
ICC profile viewer and colour visualisation
ICC Examin is a small utility (Unix name: iccexamin) for the purpose of watching the internals of ICC profiles, measurement data (CGATS), colour samples (named colour profiles), gamut visualisations (vrml), video card gamma tables (Xorg/XFree86/osX).
graphics/podofo-0.9.4 (Score: 0.0062376494)
PDF manipulation library and tools
PoDoFo is a library to work with the PDF file format. The name comes from the first letter of PDF (Portable Document Format). A few tools to work with PDF files are already included in the PoDoFo package.