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Results 491500 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.014 seconds)
games/wmqstat-0.0.4 (Score: 0.008458729)
Dockapp for monitoring of various Internet game servers
wmQStat is a dockable front-end to qstat by Steve Jankowski, a popular command-line monitor of lots of Internet game servers, i.e. Quake/W/2/3, Hexen2/W, HL/CS/HL2, Tribes/2, RtCW, UT200x, DOOM III, FarCry, to name a few (this list is by far not complete).
net-p2p/squall-0.1.20040808 (Score: 0.008458729)
Server for the Peer Distributed Transfer Protocol (PDTP)
pdtpd is a server for the Peer Distributed Transfer Protocol (PDTP), a BitTorrent-like protocol with stricter server control and support for exporting large, changing hierarchical filesystems (i.e. more akin to HTTP/FTP). For a more thorough description of PDTP, see http://www.pdtp.org/.
x11/tabbed-0.6 (Score: 0.008458729)
Simple generic tabbed fronted to xembed aware applications
tabbed is a simple Xembed container manager based on Xlib. tabbed was originally designed for surf but also usable with many other application, i.e. uzbl, urxvt and xterm. It consists of a single binary, configuration is done at compile-time by a single config.h file.
textproc/Text-CSV-Hashify-0.07 (Score: 0.008458671)
Composition and decomposition of comma-separated values into hashes
Text::CSV::Hashify is designed for the case where you simply want to turn a CSV file into a Perl hash. In particular, it is designed for the case where (a) the CSV file's first record is a list of fields in the ancestral database table and (b) one field (column) of which functions as a primary key, i.e., each record's entry in that field is distinct from every other record's entry therein. Text::CSV::Hashify turns that kind of CSV file into one big hash of hashes. Elements of this hash are keyed on the entries in the designated primary key field and the value for each element is a hash reference of all the data in a particular database record (including the primary key field and its value).
net-p2p/vertex-0.3.1 (Score: 0.0084521)
Vertex is an implementation of the Q2Q protocol
Vertex is an implementation of the Q2Q protocol (sort of like P2P, but one better). There are a few moving parts in Vertex: * PTCP: a protocol which is nearly identical to TCP, but which runs over UDP. This lets Q2Q penetrate most NAT configurations. * JUICE ([JU]ice [I]s [C]oncurrent [E]vents): a very simple but immensely flexible protocol which forms the basis of the high-level aspects of Q2Q * vertex: a command line tool which exposes a few features useful in many situations (such as registration and authentication) The Q2Q network has some decentralized features (there is no one server or company which can control all Q2Q addresses) and features of centralization (addresses beneath a particular domain are issued by a server for that domain; once issued, some activities require the server to be contacted again, while others do not). Vertex includes an identity server capable of hosting Q2Q addresses.
devel/B-Graph-0.51 (Score: 0.008447765)
Perl Compiler backend to diagram OP trees
This module is a layer between the perl-internals-examining parts of Malcolm Beattie's perl compiler (the B::* classes) and your favorite graph layout tool (currently Dot and VGC are supported, but adding others would be easy). It examines the internal structures that perl builds to represent your code (OPs and SVs), and generates specifications for multicolored boxes and arrows to represent them.
accessibility/kmouth-4.14.3 (Score: 0.008408186)
Speech synthesizer frontend for KDE
KMouth is a program which enables persons that cannot speak to let their computer speak, e.g. mutal people or people who have lost their voice. It has a text input field and speaks the sentences that you enter. It also has support for user defined phrasebooks.
comms/yaps-0.96 (Score: 0.008408186)
Yet Another Pager Software: send messages to pager (SMS, TAP, ...)
Send messages to pager devices (incl. cellular phones via SMS) using a modem gateway provided by the service company. This software is highly configurable, a sample configuration is included for German pager and mobile phone services (D1, D2, E+, Telmi, Telmi-Fun, Telmi-Family, Telmi-Top, Telmi-Pro, Skyper, Quix).
deskutils/nag-4.2.11 (Score: 0.008408186)
Horde web based task list manager
Nag is a web-based application built upon the Horde Application Framework which provides a simple, clean interface for managing online task lists (i.e., todo lists). It also includes strong integration with the other Horde applications and allows users to share task lists or enable light-weight project management.
devel/File-Assets-0.064 (Score: 0.008408186)
Perl module to Manage .css and .js assets
File::Assets is a tool for managing JavaScript and CSS assets in a (web) application. It allows you to "publish" assests in one place after having specified them in different parts of the application (e.g. throughout request and template processing phases).