Ports Search

Results 2,0112,020 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
net-p2p/messanger-1.2 (Score: 0.0010134969)
Messanger plugin for VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
Messanger plugin for the VerliHub. Verlihub is a Linux/Unix Direct Connect protocol server (Hub). It is written in c++, has relatively low CPU and RAM usage, and has many useful features. It also uses a MySQL Database. Additional functionality is available through a versatile 'plugin' system.
net-p2p/stats-1.1 (Score: 0.0010134969)
Statistics plugin for VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
Statistics plugin for the VerliHub. Verlihub is a Linux/Unix Direct Connect protocol server (Hub). It is written in c++, has relatively low CPU and RAM usage, and has many useful features. It also uses a MySQL Database. Additional functionality is available through a versatile 'plugin' system.
net-p2p/luascript-1.8.1 (Score: 0.0010134969)
LuaScript plugin for VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
LuaScript plugin for the VerliHub. Verlihub is a Linux/Unix Direct Connect protocol server (Hub). It is written in c++, has relatively low CPU and RAM usage, and has many useful features. It also uses a MySQL Database. Additional functionality is available through a versatile 'plugin' system.
net/hexinject-1.5 (Score: 0.0010134969)
HexInject is a very versatile packet injector and sniffer
HexInject is a very versatile packet injector and sniffer, that provide a command-line framework for raw network access. It's designed to work together with others command-line utilities, and for this reason it facilitates the creation of powerful shell scripts capable of reading, intercepting and modifying network traffic in a transparent manner.
net/recvnet-0.0.1 (Score: 0.0010134969)
Recvnet (inverse telnet) is a utility for debugging tcp connections
Recvnet is the inverse of telnet. Instead of connecting to some host, it listens on a port for incoming connections. When a connection is made, you can type a response which will be sent to the client. This tool has proven to be very useful while debugging Web browsers, httping, and others.
security/pam_mkhomedir-0.2 (Score: 0.0010134969)
Create HOME with a PAM module on demand
This is a PAM module which will create the $HOME for the user authenticated, if it's not already there. It also copies over files from a skel directory ( default /usr/share/skel ) and can set the permission of the newly created $HOME to a value of your choice
sysutils/cmdwatch-0.2.0 (Score: 0.0010134969)
Watches the output from a command at specified intervals
This is the familiar Linux "watch" utility originally written by Tony Rems <rembo@unisoft.com> with help from Francois Pinard and more recently Mike Coleman <mkc@acm.org>. I found it useful, so here it is. Basically "watches" the output of a given command at a specified interval in a nice, ncurses-based format.
sysutils/exfat-1.2.4 (Score: 0.0010134969)
Full-featured exFAT FS implementation as a FUSE module
exfat-fuse is a free exFAT file system implementation with write support. exFAT is a simple file system created by Microsoft. It is intended to replace FAT32 removing some of it's limitations. exFAT is a standard FS for SDXC memory cards.
sysutils/keyboard-daemon-0.7 (Score: 0.0010134969)
Listens on a keyboard device and executes commands on keypresses
The author has not found any simple programs that listen on a device and run commands based on the values received. keyboard-daemon binds to a device (for example, a remote control) and listens for button presses. These are then mapped to programs that are executed.
sysutils/mdcp- (Score: 0.0010134969)
Fastest utility for copy from a disk device for many
mdcp (Muli-Device Copy) is a command-line utility for *nix that provide to copy from a disk device to many. The data transfer rate is improved by making use of a much more efficient use of the transfer rate of the disks.