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www/childtickets-2.5.2 (Score: 0.020137845)
Support for having child-tickets in Trac
Having child-tickets is extremely useful when it comes to managing multiple releases (ie. a single 'bug-report' ticket and a single 'bug-fix' ticket for each milestone/branch of development), for managing sub-tasks of an issue and for managing 'bug-fixes' required when developing a new (larger) enhancement. This plugin modifies the ticket description box and adds a child ticket listing table and a 'create' button for adding new child tickets. It has the following features: It is possible to control in trac.ini the following aspects of child-ticket creation/viewing: allow/disallow child-tickets for a certain type of ticket to define the table headers displayed in the parent ticket to define a default for the child type to be created restrict the type of child-tickets to define which fields are inherited by child-tickets
www/customfieldadmin- (Score: 0.020137845)
用于管理 Trac ticket 自定义字段的 web 界面
这个插件是一个用于管理自定义字段的 Web 管理面板——添加、修改和删除它们 而无需直接编辑 trac.ini 文件。 这个插件是由 CodeResort.com 和 Optaros.com 合作开发的,并免费提供 于 BSD 许可证下。
www/datefield-1.0.1 (Score: 0.020137845)
www/defaultcc-0.1 (Score: 0.020137845)
Plugin that adds default CC value for tickets
This plugin automatically adds a default CC list when a new ticket is created, based on its initial component.
www/discussion-0.7 (Score: 0.020137845)
Discussion forum plugin for Trac
The DiscussionPlugin adds discussion forums to Trac. An arbitrary number of forums can be added, organised to forum groups. Users can create topics in forums and reply to them which together creates discussion threads. Threaded or flat view to topics and its replies is supported. Each forum has a list of moderators who can delete topics, replies, etc. Appending new forums and topics either as new replies shows up in timeline. Searching capability in topics and replies is supported too.
www/down-0.0.1.r11 (Score: 0.020137845)
Trac plugin for listing released downloads
A Trac plugin for listing released downloads.
www/downloads- (Score: 0.020137845)
Trac plugin providing a downloads section
This plugin provides downloads section which may contain releases or other files. It is administrated via WebAdminPlugin and there is an interface to the trac-admin tool that may help during automatic server maintenance. The Downloads section of Trac displays a table with information about the uploaded files such as description, component, version, size, architecture, type and optionally assigned tags which the download is related to. It also collects information about number of downloads which can be displayed on wiki page together with direct links to the specified download.
www/email2trac-2.6.2 (Score: 0.020137845)
Convert email to trac tickets
This is a release of the SARA package email2trac that contains utilities that we use to convert emails to trac tickets. The initial setup was made by Daniel Lundin from Edgewall Software. SARA has extend the initial setup, with the following extensions: * HTML messages * Attachments * Use commandline options * Use config file to change the behaviour of the email2trac.py program * unicode support for special characters in the headers of an email message
www/estimator-0.1.1 (Score: 0.020137845)
Produce detailed range-based estimations for Trac tickets
This Trac plugin implements a page for creating time estimates. The estimates will be attached to whatever tickets are specified in the tickets box.
www/fullblog-0.1.1 (Score: 0.020137845)
这个插件提供了一个项目博客,但不像 TracBlogPlugin 和 SimpleBlogPlugin 那样,它不是用 Wiki 页面来存储内容。 它不依赖于其它插件。