Ports 搜索

www/Catalyst-Plugin-I18N-0.10 (Score: 0.056974534)
I18N for Catalyst
Supports mo/po files and Maketext classes under your applications I18N namespace.
Log module of Catalyst that uses Log::Dispatch
Log module of Catalyst that uses Log::Dispatch
www/Catalyst-Plugin-Log-Handler-0.08 (Score: 0.056974534)
Catalyst log handler
If your Catalyst project logs many messages, logging via standard error to Apache's error log is not very clean: The log messages are mixed with other web applications' noise; and especially if you use mod_fastcgi, every line will be prepended with a long prefix. An alternative is logging to a file. But then you have to make sure that multiple processes won't corrupt the log file. The module Log::Handler by Jonny Schulz does exactly this, because it supports message-wise flocking. This module is a wrapper for said Log::Handler.
www/Catalyst-Plugin-LogWarnings-0.03 (Score: 0.056974534)
Log perl warnings to your Catalyst log object
In MyApp.pm: use Catalyst qw/LogWarnings/; After that, any warn statement that's executed during action processing is sent to the log $c->log as a warning (instead of being dumped to STDERR).
www/sws-1.0 (Score: 0.056974534)
Simple, safe, secure, web server written in /bin/sh
[simple | small | shell] web server sws was born out of a project requirement for a small universal Web server that could run on any POSIX platform to serve static content. Since it is written in /bin/sh it should run on any BSD/GNU-Linux/Unix system. It has been tested on FreeBSD, Solaris, and Debian GNU/Linux. Installation consists of putting the program somewhere, making it executable, creating the document directory, and creating an entry in inetd.conf. sws requires /bin/sh, dirname, cat, and date to function. These should be found on any modern POSIX system.
www/Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache-0.31 (Score: 0.056974534)
Cache the output of entire pages
Many dynamic websites perform heavy processing on most pages, yet this information may rarely change from request to request. Using the PageCache plugin, you can cache the full output of different pages so they are served to your visitors as fast as possible. This method of caching is very useful for withstanding a Slashdotting, for example. This plugin requires that you also load a Cache plugin. Please see the Known Issues when choosing a cache backend.
Nested params (ala Ruby on Rails or PHP-style param arrays)
Ruby on Rails has a nice feature to create nested parameters that help with the organization of data in a form - parameters can be an arbitrarily deep nested structure. The way this structure is denoted is that when you construct a form the field names have a special syntax which is parsed. This plugin supports two syntaxes: dot notation <input name="foo.bar.gorch" /> subscript notation <input name="foo[bar][gorch]" /> When reading query parameters from $c->req you can now access all the items starting with "foo" as one entity using $c->req->param('foo');. Each subitem, denoted by either the dot or the square brackets, will be returned as a further deeper hashref.
www/Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable-0.04 (Score: 0.056974534)
Plugin for pluggable Catalyst applications
Catalyst::Plugin::Pluggable is a plugin for pluggable Catalyst applications.
www/Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype-1.33 (Score: 0.056974534)
Catalyst plugin for Prototype
A Catalyst plugin for Prototype.
Run code after the response has been sent
Run code after the response has been sent.