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security/scriptNugget-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - Scripting Interface
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. The scripting nugget uses XML across named pipes to pass registration, alerting and logging information back to the system. This allows the use of any scripting (or even compiled) language that can pass XML out STDOUT with Razorback.
security/swfScanner-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - SWF Detection
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. SWF Nugget is a Razorback Detection Nugget that scans Flash files collected by Razorback Collector Nuggets. SWF Nugget decompresses (as necessary) and parses Flash files to detect attacks exploiting known vulnerabilities. The scan results are sent back to Razorback Dispatcher to correlate with other Razorback Nuggets.
security/syslogNugget-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - Syslog Output
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. This nugget provides logging output via syslog.
security/virusTotal-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - Virus Total Detection
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. This nugget checks the VirusTotal API for the MD5 of the submitted file. If the file is found, the short data of the alert will contain the results from the JSON response from VirusTotal.
security/yaraNugget-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - Yara Detection
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. The Yara nugget allows modified Yara rules to dictate which flags are set when they alert.
security/shimmer-0.1.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Perl implementation that hides a valuable port on your server
shimmer is a pair of small programs (a client and a server) that provide an alternative to port knocking program such as tumbler and are used to hide a valuable port (such as a hidden web server or SSH) on a public IP address.
security/smap-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
SIP scanner and identifier
smap is a simple scanner for SIP enabled devices smap sends off various SIP requests awaiting responses from SIP enabled DSL router, proxies and user agents. It could be considered a mashup of nmap and sipsak ;)
security/ssdeep-2.13 (Score: 0.01987111)
Tool for computing context triggered piecewise hashes
ssdeep is a tool for computing context triggered piecewise hashes. Unlike other hash calculators such as md5, it supports partial match between the original file and modified/truncated files. It can also compute the degree of similarity between files.
security/pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.10.2 (Score: 0.01987111)
PAM module which permits authentication via ssh-agent
PAM module which permits authentication for arbitrary services via ssh-agent. Written with sudo in mind, but like any auth PAM module, can be used for many purposes.
security/nmap-parser-0.3.5 (Score: 0.01987111)
Ruby interface to Nmap scan data
The Nmap::Parser library provides a Ruby interface to Nmap's scan data. It can run Nmap and parse its XML output directly from the scan, parse a file containing the XML data from a separate scan, parse a String of XML data from a scan, or parse XML data from an object via its read() method. This information is presented in an easy-to-use and intuitive fashion for storage and manipulation.