Ports 搜索

print/gl2ps-1.3.9 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
C library providing vector output for OpenGL application
GL2PS is a C library providing high quality vector output for any OpenGL application. The main difference between GL2PS and other similar libraries is the use of sorting algorithms capable of handling intersecting and stretched polygons, as well as non manifold objects. GL2PS provides advanced smooth shading and text rendering, culling of invisible primitives, mixed vector/bitmap output, and much more... GL2PS can currently create PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) and Portable Document Format (PDF) files, as well as LATEX files for the text fragments.
print/jabref-3.5 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
BibTeX native bibliographic reference manager
JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager. The native file format used by JabRef is BibTeX, the standard LaTeX bibliography format. As such it can also be considered a BibTeX editor. JabRef runs on the Java VM (version 1.4.2 or greater). Some of its features: o Search and fetch references from Medline/PubMed and CiteSeer o Search, classify and sort entries in your BibTeX files o import and export of references in various formats o launch external viewers and insert citations into LyX and Kile o automatically generate BibTeX keys o customize (add your own) BibTeX fields
print/pic2fig-1.4 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Pic format to fig format converter
Pic2fig is a pic(l) preprocessor for drawing simple figures in Fig code. The basic objects are box, line, arrow, circle, ellipse, arc and text. When pic2fig is executed, it produces an output file in the current directory. The name is constructed from the input file's name. If the input filename ends with .pic, then that extension will be replaced by .fig. Otherwise, .fig is appended to the input filename. If file does not exist, then pic2fig tries appending .pic to the name. Updated to produce FIG 3.2 format by Patrick Powell Note: this version does not support the groff/pic 'thickness' attribute.
print/prawn-graph-0.0.4 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Draw basic graphs and charts natively in your PDFs
Prawn::Graph aims to add this functionality to Prawn by using the native PDF drawing tools Prawn exposes and a friendly single-method call to draw the graph. The graphs and the values plotted and drawn are all relatively sized within the bounds of the width and height you have set and should scale pretty well to any size of value. Of course, if things do end up looking too squashed, you can always just make your graph bigger. At the moment, only Bar and Line charts are implemented, with others coming soon. Both charts work in mostly the same way.
print/flpsed-0.7.2 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
WYSIWYG Postscript annotator
flpsed is a WYSIWYG PostScript annotator. flpsed can add arbitrary text lines to existing PostScript documents, but cannot remove or modify existing elements of such documents. The added lines can later be re-edited with flpsed, either interactively or via batch-processing (the latter is useful for repeatedly filling in forms). Text lines can also be imported from other documents that have been modified with flpsed. Using pdftops, which is part of xpdf, one can convert PDF documents to PostScript and then add text to them using flpsed. flpsed is thus useful for filling in forms, adding notes, etc.
print/fontforge-20160404 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Type 1/TrueType/OpenType/bitmap font editor
FontForge (formerly called PfaEdit) is a PostScript font editor which can create and modify outline fonts in Type 1, CID-Keyed, TrueType, OpenType format. It can generate bitmaps and save in BDF format or embedded bitmaps in TrueType/OpenType fonts. It can generate Type3 and SVG fonts if built with multilayer feature. If you feel the shortage of memory, rebuilding multilayer-disabled FontForge with FONTFORGE_NO_MULTILAYER defined will save some memory. If you have installed AutoTrace or Potrace, you can generate outlines from imported bitmap images. For more information, see
science/libctl-3.2.2 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Control Language Library
Scientific software for performing large computations is typically managed using textual control files that specify the parameters of the computation. Historically, these control files have typically consisted of long, inflexible collections of numbers whose meaning and format is hard-coded into the program. With libctl, we make it easy for programmers to support a greatly superior control file structure, and with less effort than was required for traditional input formats. The "ctl" in "libctl" stands for Control Language (by convention, libctl control files end with ".ctl" and are referred to as ctl files). Thus, libctl is the Control Language Library (where the "lib" prefix follows the Unix idiom).
science/mlpy-3.5.0 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
High performance Python package for predictive modeling
Machine Learning PY (mlpy) is a high-performance Python package for predictive modeling. It makes extensive use of numpy (http://scipy.org) to provide fast N-dimensional array manipulation and easy integration of C code. mlpy provides high level procedures that support, with few lines of code, the design of rich Data Analysis Protocols (DAPs) for preprocessing, clustering, predictive classification and feature selection. Methods are available for feature weighting and ranking, data resampling, error evaluation and experiment landscaping.The package includes tools to measure stability in sets of ranked feature lists.
science/ai4r-1.13 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Various Ruby artificial intelligence algorithm implementations
AI4R is a collection of ruby algorithms implementations, covering several Artificial intelligence fields. It implements: * Genetic algorithms * Self-organized maps (SOM) * Neural Networks - Multilayer perceptron with Backpropagation learning - Hopfield net * Automatic classifiers (Machine Learning) - ID3 (Decision Trees) - PRISM (J. Cendrowska, 1987) - Multilayer Perceptron - OneR (AKA One Attribute Rule, 1R) - ZeroR - Hyperpipes - Naive Bayes - IB1 (D. Aha, D. Kibler - 1991) * Data clustering - K-means, Bisecting K-means - Single linkage, Complete linkage, Average linkage, Weighted Average linkage, Centroid linkage, Median linkage, Ward's method linkage - Diana (Divisive Analysis)
security/crank-0.2.1 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
CRyptANalysis toolKit
Crank is short for "CRyptANalysis toolKit", and its overall purpose is to provide a powerful and extensible environment for solving classical (pen-and-paper) ciphers, providing as much automation as possible. Classical ciphers include common schemes like monoalphabetic substitutions, where each letter of the alphabet is mapped to another (usually different) letter consistently through the text. The first version of Crank is restricting itself to these special ciphers. Other algorithms forever devoid of Crank's attentions include Enigma, RSA, DES, MurkelFish, or anything else invented after 1900. They're hard(er).