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Results 441450 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.018 seconds)
sysutils/stow-2.2.2 (Score: 0.009001721)
GNU version of Carnegie Mellon's "Depot" program
This is GNU Stow, a program for managing the installation of software packages, keeping them separate (/usr/local/stow/emacs vs. /usr/local/stow/perl, for example) while making them appear to be installed in the same place (/usr/local). Stow was inspired by Carnegie Mellon's "Depot" program, but is substantially simpler. Whereas Depot requires database files to keep things in sync, Stow stores no extra state between runs, so there's no danger (as there is in Depot) of mangling directories when file hierarchies don't match the database. Also unlike Depot, Stow will never delete any files, directories, or links that appear in a Stow directory (e.g., /usr/local/stow/emacs), so it's always possible to rebuild the target tree (e.g., /usr/local).
lang/ExtUtils-F77-1.20 (Score: 0.008986307)
Helps link C programs with Fortran subroutines
This module tries to figure out how to link C programs with Fortran subroutines on your system. Basically one must add a list of Fortran runtime libraries. The problem is their location and name varies with each OS/compiler combination!
mail/meta1-1.1.0a.6.0 (Score: 0.008958068)
Secure and efficient mail gateway
MeTA1 is a message transfer agent that has been designed with these main topics in minds: * Security * Reliability * Efficiency * Configurability * Extendibility MeTA1 consists of five main modules of which only one runs as root: * mcp: the main control program is similar to inetd(8): it starts all other MeTA1 modules and watches over their execution. mcp runs as root in order to bind to port 25 and to change the uid of the processes it starts. * smtps: the SMTP server receives e-mails. * smtpc: the SMTP client sends e-mails. * smar: the address resolver provides lookups in various maps including DNS for mail routing. * qmgr: the queue manager controls the flow of e-mails through the SMTP servers and clients.
archivers/tardy-1.28 (Score: 0.008953691)
Manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways
The tardy program is a tar post-processor. It may be used to manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways. The reason the tardy program was written was because the author wanted to "spruce up" tar files before posting them to the net, mostly to remove artifacts of the development environment, without introducing more. The tardy program was designed to allow you to alter certain characteristics of files after they have been included in the tar file. Among them are: * change file owner (by number or name) * change file group (by number or name) * add directory prefix (e.g. dot) * change file protections (e.g. from 600 to 644) Note that all of these affect ALL files in the archive.
games/xoct-5.5.2 (Score: 0.008953691)
Oct puzzle for X Window System
The original puzzle has 9 triangles per face (size = 3) and has period 4 turning (i.e. the face or points turn with 90 degree intervals). The puzzle was designed by Uwe Meffert and called the Magic Octahedron (or Star Puzzler). The puzzle was not widely distributed but not exactly rare. This puzzle has some analogies to the Rubik's Cube and the solving techniques are the same to that of the Pyraminx. Christoph's Magic Jewel is similar except there are no trivial corners to solve. This has 2^22*12! or 2,009,078,326,886,400 different combinations. Uwe Meffert also noticed that there could be an alternate twisting for the octahedron where it has period 3 turning (i.e. faces turn with 120 degree intervals). One is able to simulate a Trajber's Octahedron (period 3 turning and sticky mode). Also one is able to simulate one with variant turning (period 4 turning and sticky mode).
devel/Data-Clone-0.004 (Score: 0.008918229)
Polymorphic data cloning
Data::Clone does data cloning, i.e. copies things recursively. This is smart so that it works with not only non-blessed references, but also with blessed references (i.e. objects). When clone() finds an object, it calls a clone method of the object if the object has a clone, otherwise it makes a surface copy of the object. That is, this module does polymorphic data cloning. Although there are several modules on CPAN which can clone data, this module has a different cloning policy from almost all of them. See "Cloning policy" and "Comparison to other cloning modules" [1] for details. [1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/Data-Clone/lib/Data/Clone.pm
audio/jackit-0.124.1 (Score: 0.008886271)
Low latency audio server
JACK is a low latency audio server, written for POSIX-conformant operating systems. It can connect a number of different applications to an audio device, as well as allowing them to share audio between themselves. Its clients can run in their own processes (i.e. as normal applications), or can they can run within the JACK server (i.e. as a "plugin"). JACK was designed from the ground up for professional audio work, and its design focuses on two key areas: synchronous execution of all clients, and low latency operation.
textproc/dictem-1.0.4 (Score: 0.008880794)
DictEm is a dict client for [X]Emacs
DictEm is a dict client for GNU Emacs. It uses a console dict client (http://sf.net/projects/dict) and implements all functions of the client part of DICT protocol (RFC-2229, www.dict.org), i.e. looking up words and definitions, obtaining information about available strategies, provided databases, information about DICT server etc.
net/subnetcalc-2.2.0 (Score: 0.008858681)
IPv4/IPv6 Subnet Calculator
SubNetCalc is an IPv4/IPv6 subnet address calculator. For given IPv4 or IPv6 address and netmask or prefix length, it calculates network address, broadcast address, maximum number of hosts and host address range. The output is colourized for better readability (e.g. network part, host part). Also, it prints the addresses in binary format for better understandability. Furthermore, it can identify the address type (e.g. multicast, unique local, site local, etc.) and extract additional information from the address (e.g. type, scope, interface ID, etc.). Finally, it can generate IPv6 unique local prefixes.
devel/ResourcePool-1.0107 (Score: 0.008832841)
Generic way to use connection caching for any kind of resources
The ResourcePool is a generic connection caching and pooling management facility. It might be used in an Apache/mod_perl environment to support connection caching like Apache::DBI for non-DBI resources (e.g. Net::LDAP). It's also useful in a stand alone perl application to handle connection pools. The key benefit of ResourcePool is the generic design which makes it easily extensible to new resource types. The ResourcePool has a simple check mechanism to detect and close broken connections (e.g. if the database server was restarted) and opens new connections if possible. If you are new to ResourcePool you should go to the ResourcePool::BigPicture documentation which provides the best entry point to this module. The ResourcePool itself handles always exactly equivalent connections (e.g. connections to the same server with the same user-name and password) and is therefore not able to do a load balancing. The ResourcePool::LoadBalancer is able to do a advanced load balancing across different servers and increases the overall availability by applying a failover policy if there is a server breakdown.