Ports 搜索

graphics/editobj-0.5.7 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
Create and display a Tkinter dialog box for editing any Python object
EditObj can create and display a Tkinter dialog box for editing any Python object (similarly to what Java call a Bean editor, but for Python object). EditObj is a usefull tool for writing (text or non-text) editors of all kinds, including GUI editor, 3D editor,... It also includes a Python console (thanks to Ka-Ping Yee).
mail/normalizemime-1.19 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
Mime normalizer to be used as a preprocessor for email classification
[ excerpt from developer's www site with modifications ] This is a mime email message parser to be used as a preprocessor for email classification software. Tries to normalize the content to 8bit encoding with utf-8 character set. Also appends a copy of message body with HTML removed (IMG and A tags remain unaffected).
mail/Email-Folder-0.85.5 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
Read all the messages from a folder as Email::Simple objects
Read all the messages from a folder as Email::Simple objects.
mail/qmail-remove-0.95 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
Removes messages from your qmail queue based on a particular string
Qmail-Remove will remove messages containing a particular string from your Qmail queue.
misc/flag-1.0.5 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
Turn the hostname into a colourful and visually distinctive ansi flag
flag Produces a cute little ansi colour 'flag' based off a hash of the machine's hostname (or settable via ~/.flag or /etc/flag) which can uniquely visually identify a machine, at a glance. Useful for placing into /etc/issue or your bash prompt, so that you don't send stupid commands to the wrong machine.
net-mgmt/pftabled-1.09 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
The pftabled is a tool to manage your pf tables remotely
The pftabled daemon is a small helper to make your pf tables reachable from other hosts. You can add/delete/flush IP addresses to/from a remote table with a single UDP datagram. A simple client program is included to do this from the command line.
net/grilo-0.2.15 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing
Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy for application developers.
net/rye-0.9.13 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
Safely run SSH commands on a bunch of machines at the same time
Rye: Safely run SSH commands on a bunch of machines at the same time.
net/IO-Socket-Socks-0.68 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
Provides a way to create socks client or server both 4 and 5 version
Provides a way to create socks client or server both 4 and 5 version.
sysutils/sys-host-0.6.2 (Score: 8.426237E-4)
Provides hostname, IP address, and other information for a given host
Provides hostname, ip address, and other information for a given host.