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dns/Net-DNSBL-MultiDaemon-0.39 (Score: 0.41523585)
Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon - multi DNSBL prioritization
Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon is the Perl module that implements the multi_dnsbl daemon. multi_dnsbl is a DNS emulator daemon that increases the efficacy of DNSBL look-ups in a mail system. multi_dnsbl may be used as a stand-alone DNSBL or as a plug-in for a standard BIND 9 installation. multi_dnsbl shares a common configuration file format with the Mail::SpamCannibal sc_BLcheck.pl script so that DNSBL's can be maintained in a common configuration file for an entire mail installation. Because DNSBL usefulness is dependent on the nature and source of spam sent to a specific site and because sometimes DNSBL's may provide intermittant service, multi_dnsbl interrogates them sorted in the order of greatest successful hits. DNSBL's that do not respond within the configured timeout period are not interrogated at all after 6 consecutive failures, and thereafter will be retried not more often than once every hour until they come back online. This eliminates the need to place DNSBL's in a particular order in your MTA's config file or periodically monitor the DNSBL statistics and/or update the MTA config file.
mail/MailScanner-4.85.2 (Score: 0.41523585)
Powerful virus/spam scanning framework for mail gateways
MailScanner is a complete e-mail security system designed for use on e-mail gateways. It protects against viruses, and detects attacks against e-mail client packages (such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora). It can also detect almost all unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) passing through it and respond to all incidents in a wide variety of ways. Not only can it scan for known viruses, but it can also protect against unknown viruses hidden inside e-mail attachments by refusing entry to attachments whose filenames match any given pattern. This can include generic patterns that trap filenames attempting to hide the true filename extension (e.g. ".txt.vbs"). It is superior to many commercial packages in its ability to handle attacks against itself, such as Denial Of Service attacks caused by messages containing the "Zip of Death". It is easy to install into an existing e-mail gateway, requiring very little knowledge of sendmail and no change to an existing sendmail configuration. MailScanner itself is entirely open source, but it uses widely known commercial virus scanning packages at its core. The other software it uses is all high quality open source software, leading to a system that can be trusted for performance and reliability.
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