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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第9,5319,540项(搜索用时0.011秒)
x11/xtrap-1.0.2 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
XTrap sample clients for X
This package contains a set of XTrap sample clients. XTrap is an X Server extension which facilitates the capturing of server protocol and synthesizing core input events.
x11/gnome-shell-extensions-3.18.4 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
GNOME desktop shell extensions
A set of basic extensions for gnome-shell. More extensions are available on https://extensions.gnome.org/ In future release this will be more intergrated.
x11/yad-0.37.0 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
Yad (yet another dialog) is a fork of Zenity with many improvements, such as custom buttons, additional dialogs, pop-up menu in notification icon and more.
accessibility/kmouth-4.14.3 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Speech synthesizer frontend for KDE
KMouth is a program which enables persons that cannot speak to let their computer speak, e.g. mutal people or people who have lost their voice. It has a text input field and speaks the sentences that you enter. It also has support for user defined phrasebooks.
accessibility/papi-0.0.9 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
ATK accessibility wrapper for python
Papi, the Python Accessibility Programming Interface, is a Python wrapper around the GNOME ATK toolkit. It allows a developer to make python objects and applications easily accessibility aware without the need to install PyGTK and the GNOME accessibility components. Instead it only depends on ATK and - on the developers behalf - the ATK/AT-SPI bridge shipped with AT-SPI.
accessibility/speech-dispatcher-0.8.3 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Common interface to speech synthesis
Speech Dispatcher is a device independent layer for speech synthesis, developed with the goal of making the usage of speech synthesis easier for application programmers. It takes care of most of the tasks necessary to solve in speech enabled applications. What is a very high level GUI library to graphics, Speech Dispatcher is to speech synthesis.
archivers/grzip-0.3.0 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Efficient file compressor
grzip is a high-performance file compressor based on Burrows-Wheeler Transform, Schindler Transform, Move-To-Front, and Weighted Frequency Counting. It uses the Block-Sorting Lossless Data Compression Algorithm, which has received considerable attention in recent years for both its simplicity and effectiveness. This implementation has a compression rate of 2.234 bps on the Calgary Corpus (14 files) without preprocessing filters.
archivers/libcomprex-0.3.3 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Transparently handles automatic compression and decompression of files
The libcomprex library transparently handles automatic compression and decompression of files. The API is similar to C's built-in file access functions, which provides a smooth transition to libcomprex. libcomprex can also open uncompressed files, making it a good replacement for the native file access functions.
archivers/libpar2-0.4 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Library for manipulating PAR2 files, extracted from par2cmdline
Libpar2 is a library for manipulating par2 files, extracted from par2cmdline Libpar2 is a library for creating and using PAR2 files to detect damage in data files and repair them if necessary. It can be used with any kind of file. Par files are especially popular on Usenet.
archivers/lzfse-20160707 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Lempel-Ziv style data compression algorithm
This is a reference C implementation of the LZFSE compressor introduced in the Compression library with OS X 10.11 and iOS 9. LZFSE is a Lempel-Ziv style data compression algorithm using Finite State Entropy coding. It targets similar compression rates at higher compression and decompression speed compared to deflate using zlib.