Ports Search

Results 931940 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.007 seconds)
astro/xglobe-0.5 (Score: 0.0020358707)
Displays a view of the Earth (like xearth) with a rendered photo map
Displays a rendered view of the earth in your root window, similar to xearth, but instead uses a satellite image map of the earth. You can also substitute surface maps of other planets if you're feeling cosmic.
deskutils/ZConf-Runner-2.1.4 (Score: 0.0020358707)
Run a file using a chosen method, desktop entry, or mimetype
A configuration system allowing for either file or LDAP backed storage. A utility is included as well, 'zcrunner'. It can be used to configure actions and run files using them.
devel/commons-daemon-1.0.15 (Score: 0.0020358707)
Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon
Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon. Daemon is made of 2 parts. One written in C that makes the interface to the operating system and the other in Java that provides the Daemon API.
devel/Devel-CoreStack-1.3 (Score: 0.0020358707)
Perl5 module that generates a stack dump from a core file
This module attempts to generate a stack dump from a core file by locating the best available debugger (if any) and running it with the appropriate arguments and command script.
devel/rbison-0.0.7 (Score: 0.0020358707)
Generates a Ruby parser class from a Bison-like specification file
rbison generates a Ruby parser class from a Bison-like specification file. rbison uses Bison to do all the hard work (generating state transition tables, etc), then translates the Bison-generated C code into Ruby code.
devel/annoy-0.5.6 (Score: 0.0020358707)
Present the user with a simple question before a destructive action
Annoy, like your annoying friend that asks you questions all the time. Rudy uses annoy to present the user with a simple question before continuing with a destructive action.
security/keyprint-1.0 (Score: 0.0020358707)
Print S/Key keys on a piece of paper, twice the size of a credit card
This is keyprint: a quick hack for printing S/Key keys on a small piece of paper, twice the size of a credit card for easy storage in a wallet, card holder, etc. It produces a PostScript file which can be printed and then trimmed to size: hn38925 +----------------------------------------+ | 1 af fd alfal 26 fd s fdas da | | 2 af fd alfal 27 fd s fdas da | | 3 af fd alfal 28 fd s fdas da | | . . | | . . | | 74 af fd alfal 98 fd s fdas da | | 75 af fd alfal 99 fd s fdas da | +----------------------------------------+ Warning: If you don't have a secure network, then it is not a good idea to print this key set on a network printer. It might be obvious, but you never know.
net/Net-LDAP-LDAPhash-1.0.3 (Score: 0.0020342222)
Make a hash out of the return from a search using Net::LDAP::Search
This takes from a search and turns it into a hash. The returned has is in the following format. {DN}{ldap}{attribute}[array of values for this attribute] The reason for the {ldap} is to allow for other values and the like to be tagged onto a hash for a DN that are unrelated to LDAP. This function does not make any attempt to check if the search succedded or not.
mail/timeout_user-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0020325568)
Automatically logs a user out if they're idle for a set amount of time
This automatically logs a user out if they're idle for a set amount of time. We define 'idle' as having not refreshed the right-hand frame. The administrator can set a standard time for all users or allow users to set their own timeout values.
security/Crypt-PassGen-0.06 (Score: 0.0020274539)
Crypt::PassGen - Generate a random password that looks like a real word
This module provides a single command for generating random password that is close enough to a real word that it is easy to remember. It does this by using the frequency of letter combinations in a language (the frequency table is generated during installation although multiple tables can be generated and used for different languages). This module should not be used for high security applications (such as user accounts) since it returns passwords that are not mixed case, have no punctuation and no letters. This word can be used as a basis for a more secure password. The language of the password depends on the language used to construct the frequency table.