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www/WebService-Basecamp-0.1.4 (Score: 0.06968004)
Perl interface to the Basecamp API webservice
Basecamp is a web based project collaboration tool that makes it simple to communicate and collaborate on projects. Basecamp is built on the Ruby on Rails platform but provides a webservice API to many of the application functions. WebService::Basecamp is a Perl interface to the Basecamp web service API. For more information on Basecamp, visit the Basecamp website. http://www.basecamphq.com. This module does much of the heavy lifting for you when accessing the Basecamp API. Once initialising a WebService::Basecamp object you can access the API function via method calls. The module takes care of the creation and parsing of the XML (using XML::Simple) that relays the data across the web service, however there is an option to access the XML directly (see new()). The documentation for this module is based on the Basecamp API docs available at http://www.basecamphq.com/api. It is recommended you read the official docs to become familiar with the data reference.
www/Catalyst-Model-Xapian-0.06 (Score: 0.06955235)
Catalyst model for Search::Xapian
This model class wraps Search::Xapian to provide a friendly, paged interface to Xapian (www.xapian.org) indexes. This class adds a little extra convenience on top of the Search::Xapian class. It expects you to use the QueryParser, and sets up some keywords based on the standard omega keywords (id, host, date, month, year,title), so that you can do searches like 'fubar site:microsoft.com'
www/Catalyst-Model-Xapian10-0.06 (Score: 0.06955235)
Catalyst model for Search::Xapian
This model class wraps Search::Xapian to provide a friendly, paged interface to Xapian (www.xapian.org) indexes. This class adds a little extra convenience on top of the Search::Xapian class. It expects you to use the QueryParser, and sets up some keywords based on the standard omega keywords (id, host, date, month, year,title), so that you can do searches like 'fubar site:microsoft.com'
www/FCGI-0.78 (Score: 0.06955235)
Modules for perl5, for enabling FastCGI support in CGI scripts
This the FCGI module for perl5 which enables CGI scripts to take advantage of servers that are FastCGI-enabled. This module does not abstract the writing of CGIs themselves, for that you should refer to the p5-CGI module. For more information about FastCGI, the performance enhancements it offers, and how to write scripts using it, visit their web site at http://www.fastcgi.com/
www/HTML-Element-Extended-1.18 (Score: 0.06955235)
Extended interface to HTML::Tree's HTML::Element class
HTML-Element-Extended is a package of several enhanced HTML::Element classes, most of which arose during the effort to implement an HTML::Element based table class. The modules are: HTML::ElementTable HTML::ElementSuper HTML::ElementGlob HTML::ElementRaw The resulting functionality enables: tables element globs element coordinates content replacement content wrapping element cloning raw HTML string adoption http://www.mojotoad.com/sisk/projects/HTML-Element-Extended/
www/vdr-plugin-live-0.3.0 (Score: 0.06955235)
Video Disk Recorder - live web plugin
http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Live-plugin Live, the "Live Interactive VDR Environment", is a plugin providing the possibility to interactively control the VDR and some of it's plugins by a web interface. Unlike external utility programs that communicate with VDR and it's plugins by SVDRP, Live has direct access to VDR's data structures and is thus very fast.
www/volta-0.3.0 (Score: 0.06955235)
High performance, low resource URI rewriter for Squid
Volta is a high performance, low resource URI rewriter for use with the Squid caching proxy server (http://www.squid-cache.org) With it, you can dynamically alter URI requests that pass through Squid based on various criteria. It uses a state machine to parse URIs and rules, and a constant database to store and access those rules. It can then either perform conditional rewrites internally, or by evaluating Lua scripts.
www/bkmrkconv-1.12 (Score: 0.06881846)
Netscape bookmarks.html converter
bkmrkconv converts Netscape-generated bookmarks.html into a nice tree of files that you can navigate using your favorite browser.
www/cgicc-3.2.16 (Score: 0.06881846)
C++ class library for writing CGI applications
GNU cgicc is an ANSI C++ compliant class library that greatly simplifies the creation of CGI applications for the World Wide Web. cgicc performs the following functions: - Parses both GET and POST form data transparently. - Provides string, integer, floating-point and single- and multiple-choice retrieval methods for form data. - Provides methods for saving and restoring CGI environments to aid in application debugging. - Provides full on-the-fly HTML generation capabilities, with support for cookies. - Supports HTTP file upload. - Compatible with FastCGI.
www/apercu-1.0.2 (Score: 0.06881846)
Summarize information from Apache logs
A command-line (console) application to summarize information from Apache logs, including hit counts, requests, referrers, and user activity.