Ports Search

Results 3,6413,650 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
textproc/rand-1.9 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Utility to display files or streams in random order
rand is a cat-like utility that displays the lines of a file or stream in random order.
textproc/nokogumbo-1.4.7 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Nokogiri interface to the Gumbo HTML5 parser
Nokogumbo allows a Ruby program to invoke the Gumbo HTML5 parser and access the result as a Nokogiri parsed document.
textproc/wv2-0.4.2 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Library providing routines to access Microsoft Word files
wv2 is a library which allows access to Microsoft Word files. It is a rewrite of the wv library.
www/phalcon-3.0.1 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Phalcon PHP Framework written in C-language
PhalconPHP is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption.
www/HTML-Chunks-1.55.1 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Simple nested template engine for HTML, XML and XHTML
HTML::Chunks is a Perl module which provides a simple template system for HTML, XML and XHTML.
www/rinku-1.7.3 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Fast and smart autolinking drop-in replacement for Rails auto_link
A fast and very smart autolinking library that acts as a drop-in replacement for Rails auto_link
www/rkelly-remix-0.0.7 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Pure ruby javascript parser and interpreter
RKelly Remix is a pure ruby javascript parser and interpreter. It is a fork of the RKelly JavaScript parser.
www/nextcloud-10.0.0 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Personal cloud which runs on your own server
Nextcloud is a system for the creation and management of personal cloud resources. It is a fork of Owncloud.
www/defaultcc-0.1 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Plugin that adds default CC value for tickets
This plugin automatically adds a default CC list when a new ticket is created, based on its initial component.
www/squidstats-54 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Collection of simple statistical analysis bits for Squid
This is a series of scripts for gathering and presenting statistical information about a running Squid or Cacheboy application.