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Results 931940 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
databases/DBD-PgLite-0.11 (Score: 0.0061260853)
PostgreSQL emulation mode for SQLite
The module automatically and transparently transforms a broad range of SQL statements typical of PostgreSQL into a form suitable for use in SQLite. This involves both (a) parsing and filtering of the SQL; and (b) the addition of several PostgreSQL-compatible functions to SQLite.
devel/Math_Fraction-0.4.1 (Score: 0.0061260853)
Classes that represent and manipulate fractions
Classes that represent and manipulate fractions (x = a/b). The Math_FractionOp static class contains definitions for: - basic arithmetic operations - comparing fractions - greatest common divisor (gcd) and least common multiple (lcm) of two integers - simplifying (reducing) and getting the reciprocal of a fraction - converting a float to fraction.
net/Net-ParseWhois-0.70 (Score: 0.0061260853)
Extendable perl5 module for parsing whois information
Based on Net::Whois, Net::ParseWhois was written with the intent to provide a replacement for the (broken) Net::Whois module. It is otherwise different to Net::Whois in that it a) is easily extendable b) has a work-around approach rather than wanting/expecting/wishing registrars to standardize their output.
multimedia/emovix-0.9.0 (Score: 0.006076689)
Mini Linux distro to create bootable video CDs
A micro Linux distro meant to be embedded in a CD together with all video/audio files you want, so that the CD will be able to boot and automagically play all of its own files. eMoviX CDs can be written with sysutils/K3b.
net/tableutil-0.6 (Score: 0.006076689)
Utility for converting and aggregating lists of IP addresses
Tableutil is a utility for converting, aggregating and performing operations on lists of IP-addresses. Its primary use is to convert files into a format pfctl(8) can read. It can read plain-text-files with ranges (, CIDR-style networks ( single addresses ( or with hostnames (one.two.com). It can also read p2b files.
net/thcrut-1.2.5 (Score: 0.006076689)
Local network discovery tool
RUT (pronouced as 'root') mean 'aRe yoU There'. It was developed to brute force its way into wvlan (IEEE 802.11b) access points which use mac authentification. It offers a wide range of _local_ network discovery features like arp lookup on all hosts on a network with vendor-string, spoofed DHCP request, RARP, BOOTP, ICMP-ping and address mask request and some other features.
textproc/libparsifal-1.1.0 (Score: 0.006032188)
Lightweight XML Parser
Parsifal is minimal non-validating XML parser written in ANSI C. Parsifal implements the subset of SAX2 including namespace support. Parsifal can be used for parsing XML based messages (such as SOAP and RSS) and for application specific data processing e.g. config files, data files etc. Parsifal can also be used for limited document-oriented processing and for parsing modular documents because it contains supports for internal and external general entities - it doesn't support currently parameter entities or other DTD features. Parsifal can be used for processing large data files and streams too since its SAX based and consumes very little memory not to mention it is fast enough for most purposes 'cos its written in C. Using Parsifal in place of large XML processing libraries (e.g. libxml, xerces) or even in the place of small Expat (which is considerably bigger and more complicated) can be justified for limited memory environments and in applications requiring bundled parser. If you need higher level tools, for example library supporting DTD validation or dom/xpath processing, you should look for other libs of course.
devel/Scope-Guard-0.20 (Score: 0.006028681)
Lexically scoped resource management
This module provides a convenient way to perform cleanup or other forms of resource management at the end of a scope. It is particularly useful when dealing with exceptions: the Scope::Guard constructor takes a reference to a subroutine that is guaranteed to be called even if the thread of execution is aborted prematurely. This effectively allows lexically-scoped "promises" to be made that are automatically honoured by perl's garbage collector. For more info, see: http://www.drdobbs.com/cpp/184403758
x11-wm/bbpager-0.4.7 (Score: 0.006028681)
Pager for the Blackbox window manager
bbpager is a pager tool for Blackbox, it uses KDE wm-hints to get the information from Blackbox.
sysutils/jail-primer-0.2 (Score: 0.006016535)
Third Generation Jail System Solution
A simplified prospective on jail configuration and usage. Complete easy to understand detailed documentation on creating a Third Generation Jail System Solutiom which is based on a single filesystem that contains all of the required operating system executable libraries which is shared with each of the individual jails. The legacy rc.conf method, Modern rc.conf method, and the jail(8) jail.conf methods are documented. Script are included that perform the tasks explained in the documentation.