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audio/xmradio-1.2 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Motif based FM tuner (for use with bktr(4) driver)
xmradio is a radio tuner program for X11 (using the Motif widget set), using NetBSD's and FreeBSD's bktr(4) driver. It also supports Video4Linux because of its design. You can control an xmradio running on your desktop using some special command line options and remote control mechanism.
audio/festalon-0.5.5 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
XMMS plugin for playing .nsf and .hes audio files
This is a XMMS input plugin for playing .nsf and .hes audio files. It supports all internal sound channels and the extra sound channels found in the Konami VRC6, Konami VRC7, Namco 106, Nintendo MMC5, and Sunsoft FME-07 chips. The extra sound channel present in the Famicom Disk System is also emulated.
benchmarks/dbs-1.1.5 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Distributed network benchmarking system
DBS is a useful tool chest for evaluating TCP implementations, specifically flow control, retransmission control and congestion avoidance. -It can treat multiple TCP connections spanning multiple hosts simultaneously, and -It has the capability of measuring the changes of application level throughput at every data transmission.
benchmarks/dhrystone-2.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Computing benchmark for integer operations
Dhrystone is a synthetic computing benchmark program developed in 1984 by Reinhold P. Weicker intended to be representative of system (integer) programming. The Dhrystone grew to become representative of general processor (CPU) performance. DMIPS value is result of dhrystone test divided by 1757, results are often reported in DMIPS/MHz. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhrystone.
benchmarks/flowgrind-0.7.5 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Measure throughput and other metrics for TCP
Flowgrind is an advanced TCP traffic generator for testing and benchmarking Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X TCP/IP stacks. In contrast to similar tools like iperf or netperf it features a distributed architecture, where throughput and other metrics are measured between arbitrary flowgrind server processes.
benchmarks/hpl-2.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
High Performance Computing Linpack Benchmark
HPL is a software package that solves a (random) dense linear system in double precision (64 bits) arithmetic on distributed-memory computers. It can thus be regarded as aportable as well as freely available implementation of the High Performance Computing Linpack Benchmark. The algorithm used by HPL can be summarized by the following keywords: Two-dimensional block-cyclic data distribution - Right-looking variant of the LU factorization with row partial pivoting featuring multiple look-ahead depths - Recursive panel factorization with pivot search and column broadcast combined - Various virtual panel broadcast topologies - bandwidth reducing swap-broadcast algorithm - backward substitution with look-ahead of depth 1. The HPL package provides a testing and timing program to quantify the accuracy of the obtained solution as well as the time it took to compute it. The best performance achievable by this software on your system depends on a large variety of factors. Nonetheless, with some restrictive assumptions on the interconnection network, the algorithm described here and its attached implementation are scalable in the sense that their parallel efficiency is maintained constant with respect to the per processor memory usage.
benchmarks/nttcp-1.47 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Client/server program for testing network performance
This program is a much more convient version of the ttcp program. It uses inetd (or simulates its behaviour) to start off the remote side program which will send/receive data. Both sides measure the time and number of bytes transfered. The local side will print the measures. The format of the output can be specified on the commandline.
Octave-forge package benchmark
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is benchmark. The package contains code used to benchmark speed of Octave.
benchmarks/pathrate-2.4.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Measurement tool for capacity estimation of network paths
Pathrate is a tool that can estimate the capacity of network paths. An important feature of Pathrate is that it is robust to cross traffic effects, meaning that it can measure the path capacity even when the path is significantly loaded. This is crucial, since the hardest paths to measure are the heavily loaded ones.
biology/clustalw-2.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Multiple alignment program for DNA or proteins
ClustalW2 is a general purpose multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins. It produces biologically meaningful multiple sequence alignments of divergent sequences. It calculates the best match for the selected sequences, and lines them up so that the identities, similarities and differences can be seen. Evolutionary relationships can be seen via viewing Cladograms or Phylograms.