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devel/Term-RawInput-1.22 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Drop-in replacement for <STDIN> with handling of non-standard keys
Term::RawInput is a simple drop-in replacement for <STDIN> in scripts with the additional ability to capture and return the non-standard keys like 'End', 'Escape', 'Insert', etc.
devel/Test-HexString-0.03 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Test binary strings with hex dump diagnostics
This testing module provides a single function, is_hexstr(), which asserts that the given string matches what was expected. When the strings match (i.e. compare equal using the eq operator), the behaviour is identical to the usual is() function provided by Test::More.
devel/Test-Identity-0.01 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Assert the referential identity of a reference
Test::Identity provides a single testing function, identical. It asserts that a given reference is as expected; that is, it either refers to the same object or is undef. It is similar to Test::More::is except that it uses refaddr, ensuring that it behaves correctly even if the references under test are objects that overload stringification or numification. It also provides better diagnostics if the test fails.
devel/Test-InDistDir-1.112071 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Test environment setup for development with IDE
This module helps run test scripts in IDEs like Komodo.
devel/Test-Inter-1.06 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Framework for more readable interactive test scripts
This is another framework for writing test scripts. It is loosely inspired by Test::More, and has most of its functionality, but it is not a drop-in replacement.
devel/Test-LeakTrace-0.15 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Traces memory leaks
Test::LeakTrace provides several functions that trace memory leaks. This module scans arenas, the memory allocation system, so it can detect any leaked SVs in given blocks. Leaked SVs are SVs which are not released after the end of the scope they have been created. These SVs include global variables and internal caches. For example, if you call a method in a tracing block, perl might prepare a cache for the method. Thus, to trace true leaks, no_leaks_ok() and leaks_cmp_ok() executes a block more than once.
devel/Term-Screen-1.05 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Basic screen + input class
Term::Screen is a very simple screen positioning module that should work wherever `Term::Cap' does. It is set up for Unix using stty's but these dependencies are isolated by evals in the `new' constructor. Thus you may create a child module implementing Screen with MS-DOS, ioctl, or other means to get raw and unblocked input. This is not a replacement for Curses -- it has no memory. This was written so that it could be easily changed to fit nasty systems, and to be available first thing.
devel/Term-ScreenColor-1.20 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Term::Screen based screen positioning and coloring module
Term::ScreenColor adds ANSI coloring support, along with a few other useful methods, to those provided in Term::Screen.
devel/Term-Shell-0.09 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Write command-line shells in Perl
Term::Shell lets you write simple command-line shells. All the boring details like command-line parsing, terminal handling, and tab completion are handled for you.
devel/Test-LongString-0.17 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Library to test long strings
This module provides some drop-in replacements for the string comparison functions of Test::More, but which are more suitable when you test against long strings. If you've ever had to search for text in a multi-line string like an HTML document, or find specific items in binary data, this is the module for you.