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Results 311320 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.006 seconds)
shells/lshell-0.9.16 (Score: 0.013653153)
Shell environment to limited sets of commands to users
lshell lets you restrict a user's shell environment to limited sets of commands, choose to enable or disable any command over SSH (e.g. SCP, SFTP, rsync, etc.) log user's commands, implement timing restrictions, and more.
sysutils/lineak-defaultplugin-0.9 (Score: 0.013653153)
Default plugins for lineakd
Default plugins for lineakd. Mainly contains some macros (e.g. for volumedecrease etc.). mediadetect plugin is not functional at the moment since there is some more work to do (we need a new port for it).
www/roundup-1.5.0 (Score: 0.013653153)
Issue-Tracking System for Knowledge Workers
Roundup is a simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning design from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry "Track" design competition.
print/a2pdf-1.13 (Score: 0.013649383)
Text to PDF converter
a2pdf converts ASCII text to PDF format, with optional line/page numbering and Perl syntax highlighting.
games/fairymax-5.0b.20160316.1 (Score: 0.013648695)
Chess engine for shatranj, courier chess, and others
fairy-Max is a version of micro-Max that reads the piece description from a file fmax.ini, so that arbitrary fairy pieces can be implemen- ted. This version supports up to 15 piece types, and board sizes upto 12x8 board. A Linux port exists in the format of a debian package. You can use it e.g. with games/xboard/: e.g.: xboard -boardSize Middling -variant courier -fcp fairymax GIT: http://hgm.nubati.net/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/fairymax.git
graphics/wpvs-2.5 (Score: 0.013648695)
Deegree Web Terrain Service(WTS)/Web Perspective View Service(WPVS)
A WPVS is a web service which is able to generate perspective terrain views, e.g. images of a certain terrain/area (possibly containing three dimensional objects, e.g. building or trees) rendered from a requested viewpoint. For this purposes the WPVS needs to process and render different kinds of geospatial data which is retrieved from different pre-configured datasets. These datasets can be remote OGC web services or locally installed deegree 2 web services.
textproc/po4a-0.45 (Score: 0.013631988)
Brings gettext translation tools to all kinds of docs
The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools in areas where they were not expected, like documentation. po4a supports currently the following formats: * manpages * pod * xml (generic, docbook, xhtml, dia, or guide) * sgml * TeX (generic, LaTeX, or Texinfo) * text (simple text files with some formatting) * ini * KernelHelp
net/dhcprelay-1.2 (Score: 0.013558323)
Lightweight DHCP Relay Agent with GIF tunnel support
A light-weight DHCP Relay Agent. Why not the ISC DHCP Relay Agent? - If your RA has multiple interfaces, you get multiple requests for each request: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:10:dc:d1:e6:39 (foo) via DHCPACK on to 00:10:dc:d1:e6:39 (foo) via DHCPREQUEST for from 00:10:dc:d1:e6:39 (foo) via wrong network. DHCPNAK on to 00:10:dc:d1:e6:39 via This RA sends only one request, coming with the IP address of the LAN the request came from. - If your RA has multiple interfaces, the outgoing interfaces to the WAN needs to be active in the DHCP relay otherwise answers are not picked up. This RA uses a unicast socket for returning answers. - If your RA has non-ethernet interfaces (GIF-tunnels for example, which VPN back to the central network), the answers are not picked up by the RA.
astro/geographiclib-1.46 (Score: 0.013515932)
Library for geographic projections
GeographicLib is a small set of C++ classes for performing conversions between geographic, UTM, UPS, MGRS, geocentric, and local cartesian coordinates, for gravity (e.g., EGM2008), geoid height, and geomagnetic field (e.g., WMM2010) calculations, and for solving geodesic problems. The library may be used from .NET applications using the NETGeographicLib wrapper library. It is a suitable replacement for the core functionality provided by geotrans.
security/dsniff-2.4.b1 (Score: 0.013515932)
Various sniffing utilities for penetration testing
dsniff is a collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing. dsniff, filesnarf, mailsnarf, msgsnarf, urlsnarf, and webspy passively monitor a network for interesting data (passwords, e-mail, files, etc.). arpspoof, dnsspoof, and macof facilitate the interception of network traffic normally unavailable to an attacker (e.g, due to layer-2 switching). sshmitm and webmitm implement active monkey-in-the-middle attacks against redirected SSH and HTTPS sessions by exploiting weak bindings in ad-hoc PKI.