Ports 搜索

net/Net-FS-Flickr-0.1 (Score: 0.19277409)
Perl interface for store and retrieve files on Flickr
Net::FS::Flickr - store and retrieve files on Flickr
net/Net-Telnet-Netscreen-1.2 (Score: 0.19277409)
Perl interface for interact with a Netscreen firewall
Net::Telnet::Netscreen - interact with a Netscreen firewall
net/Acme-HTTP-0.10 (Score: 0.19241327)
High-level access to Net::HTTP::NB and Net::HTTPS::NB
Acme::HTTP provides high-level access to Net::HTTP::NB and Net::HTTPS::NB.
net/Net-Proxy-0.13 (Score: 0.19214721)
Framework for proxying network connections in many ways
A Net::Proxy object represents a proxy that accepts connections and then relays the data transfered between the source and the destination. The goal of this module is to abstract the different methods used to connect from the proxy to the destination. A proxy is a program that transfer data across a network boundary between a client and a server. Net::Proxy introduces the concept of "connectors" (implemented as Net::Proxy::Connector subclasses), which abstract the server part (connected to the client) and the client part (connected to the server) of the proxy. This architecture makes it easy to implement specific techniques to cross a given network boundary, possibly by using a proxy on one side of the network fence, and a reverse-proxy on the other side of the fence.
net/net-ldap-0.14.0 (Score: 0.1920486)
Pure Ruby LDAP support library with most client features
Net::LDAP is an LDAP support library written in pure Ruby. It supports most LDAP client features and a subset of server features as well. * Standards-based (going for RFC 4511) * Portable: 100% Ruby
net/commons-net-3.5 (Score: 0.1909717)
Collection of network protocol implementations for Java
Jakarta Commons Net implements the client side of many basic Internet protocols. The purpose of the library is to provide fundamental protocol access. Supported protocols are: * FTP * NNTP * SMTP * POP3 * Telnet * TFTP * Finger * Whois * rexec/rcmd/rlogin * Time (rdate) and Daytime * Echo * Discard * NTP/SNTP
net/Net-Amazon-0.62 (Score: 0.1909717)
Framework for accessing amazon.com via SOAP and XML/HTTP
Net::Amazon provides an object-oriented interface to amazon.com's SOAP and XML/HTTP interfaces. This way it's possible to create applications using Amazon's vast amount of data via a functional interface, without having to worry about the underlying communication mechanism.
net/Net-Ident-1.23 (Score: 0.1909717)
Lookup the username on the remote end of a TCP/IP connection
Net::Ident is a module that looks up the username on the remote side of a TCP/IP connection through the ident (auth/tap) protocol described in RFC1413 (which supersedes RFC931). Note that this requires the remote site to run a daemon (often called identd) to provide the requested information, so it is not always available for all TCP/IP connections.
net/Net-Interface-1.012 (Score: 0.1909717)
Perl extension to access network interfaces
Net::Interface is designed to make the use of ifconfig(1) and friends unnecessary from within Perl. It provides methods to get at set all the attributes of an interface, and even create new logical or physical interfaces (if your O/S supports it).
net/Net-Hiveminder-0.08 (Score: 0.1909717)
Perl interface to hiveminder.com
Hiveminder is a collaborate todo list organizer, built with Jifty. This module uses Hiveminder's REST API to let you manage your tasks any way you want to. This module is built on top of Net::Jifty. Consult that module's documentation for the lower-level interface.